
As a Wings fan I guess I'm new to this?

by Guest45034  |  earlier

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Crosby scores a goal and it was showed over 30 times and he automatically named impact player of the game. Franzen goes around 6 Penguins defenders and I can't even get 1 instant replay for it, WTF. I tried mute but I would still see Crosbys face every 40 seconds. What can I do?




  1. they switch players of the game... for game one it was osgood I think but his goal was really good Both of them

    6 defense players?

  2. I mean, he WAS the one to finally score against osgood.

  3. You're so darn right! I wish they would stop talking about him already . It's not as if he was going to save hockey in Pittsburgh or anything. He's really not that good--I say bench him. It's not like he was the Pens 2nd highest scorer this year (#1 last year)or added anything beneficial to the team the whole year..As a matter of fact, I'm gonna Email NBC right now and tell them that all Detroit fans(and some Pens fans too) are so tired of him that they wish he'd never put on skates again!! (They did this with Gretzky and Lemieux,too,didn't they?) ***Does this answer make you clowns a little happier?***

  4. pghpat: Evidence of obstruction please.   Put up or shut up.

  5. You need a better sports provider.

    Lets see he scored 2 goals, his team won.  Those 2 goals changed the game for the Pens- he had more impact on that game than anyone else.

    give credit where credit is due.

  6. Good Luck im a die hard wings fan and the crosby is so over talked this young kid comes in and they try to make him the next wayne gretsky HA HA im so over crosby and seeing his face everywhere its annoying. I havnt seen much credit to franzen either and that was a nice goal but last nights game was sickening like the shot to lindstroms face with no call i mean come on the announcers even caught that one BS GO WINGS the cup is ours we smoke them 2-0 they had no goals and all they got last night was one up and crospy gets all the attention im over it lol!

  7. yeah i know. my family calls the playoffs the sidney crosby show. when we score, they show his face1 i dont get it1 and when he scored yesterday, i was like "on my god. thats allllll were going to hear and see. c**p"

    yeah. radio is the only thing i can think of. or just laugh when we beat them. thats what i do.

  8. That's because it's much more impressive to score on the Wings' D than the Penguins' "D." But I agree, it's annoying as h**l.

  9. if im not mistaken, they did show a replay of it on was an amazing goal the goal the refs took from us was BS...the Penguins deliberately threw the wing into the goal to dislodge it

  10. Crosby is the "face" of the league not Franzen. The league is trying to build on its young flashy stars like Crosby to expand the fanbase of the league.  Surveys and studies and what have you show that people are more likely to rally around a player that has their highlight reel shown to them over and over.  People, aka casual fans, arent going to cheer for your hardworking players, they want to see something spectacular.

  11. You didn't get the memo? This is the NHL golden Child. He is the one that can do no wrong. His face will be everywhere . I think he is a fine player, but He will be on every time, So I have gotten used to it. I agree about Franzen. But I am sure he may like that just the real fans know who he is .

  12. 6 Penguins defenders?

  13. Do you need a tissue?

  14. I noticed that too, it's awful!

  15. Its's 2008. The Year of the Crosby....good luck with that.

  16. i know, it was the same game 1 and 2... it wasn't like anyone wanted to talk to wings about there outstanding performence but lets talk to sid the kid and see how he reacts to the losses... if the pens think there back in the series they are completelty wrong, the pens were on the top of there game yesterday and were still almost beat... once the wings figure out how this team really plays they will come with there best stuff and end this series in 5

  17. pghpatt...go play in traffic.

    As a Wings fan too, I feel the frustration.  I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the day when Kronwall skates right over to "Sid the Kid" and slams him to the ice (legally...let's not go Bertuzzi on him).  Let's hear the Pens fans howl at that one.

    But in all reality...this kid has had hype since before he got drafted by the NHL.  Franzen is just one of those "quiet" heroes.  He doesn't carry a name, he doesn't carry a Gatorade commercial with him, and he doesn't carry the expectations to be the next "Great One."  And, Franzen doesn't have Bettman milking him for every single sponsorship and TV appearance he's worth to the NHL.  Franzen just skates through the crowd and scores.  The Wings fans cheer.  Crosby scores, and Bettman gets dollar signs in his eyes.  It's just life.'s a positive to seeing Crosby's face all the's more opportunities to laugh at his attempt at a playoff beard!!!

  18. They showed Holmstrim laying on the  ice. That was entertaining, id watch that all night long.

  19. Here's the Thing. Crosby is on a team where he has 4 at most 5 Great Players on the roster with him. Him and Malkin being the Top 2. The Wings have a roster of 8-10 Great players. Therefore, Many times players like Franzen/Zetterberg/Datsyuk and so on, Don't get noticed because there is a lot of talent on the Team. Don't you think if Detroit had a team like Pittsburgh with Datsyuk and Zetterberg Gatorade would be Kissing thier Feet? I'm not taking anything away from Crosby though, Don't get me wrong, i think he's Awesome at what he does, But Get used to it. Oh and too add to that, He's young, and that good. So that's a big impact. Just like in the NBA Lebron James is the Face of the NBA. He's so young yet so good.

    Buffalo Boys- The reason the Cam was on Sidney online is because he was supposed to be. It was called "Star Cam". Were you watching it on the NBC website?

  20. I don't pay much attention to him.

    He is a good player, but the league is full of good players.

    Note: I have noticed how some people on the Pens bandwagon are saying 'Roberts should have hit Franzen harder' .....altho I realize they are probably band wagoners I really wonder if these people would laugh at funerals. I have been on this forum for a coupla years and I have never seen such venom.........

  21. Try radio.

  22. Dude he has a camera on him during the whole game online! its so wrong! He is not that good

    No man You couldnt pay me to watch Crosby during the whole game I cant stand the guy. I just know they were talking about it during the game

  23. Nothing man crosby is the best out there your wings stink. Especially Johan Franzen.

  24. crosby is every where i love the pens but i hate him i guess we just have to face it

  25. What's impact player of the game? Is that an NBC thing?

    Why shouldn't he be player of the game? He's the Captain. He scored 2 goals of 3. His team won.

    Highlights of the game-

  26. What a homer you are! Why don't you ask your guys how sore they are this morning ? Roberts & Orpik slammed those old men like a screen door. Sid did play a helluva game, get used to it.

  27. Well, they have to have something to reply for the penguins. They had nothing the first 2 games.

  28. sorry, i guess the Penguins are just more liked and the better of the two teams

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