
As a Wings fan should I feel guilty that I'm glad the Pens finally showed up?

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I've been a fan ever since my dad took me to the old Olympia when I was 5 years old so I've seen some pretty lean years in Detroit (i.e. the "Dead Things" of the "Snore-us Division") & am enjoying our great teams in recent history. Obviously I want the Wings to win the Cup, but after the two dominating wins in games 1 & 2, I was hoping the Pens could at least start showing up & make the games more interesting. Game 3 was finally a GREAT game even though the Wings lost & it was more like what everyone had been predicting. In some bizarre, twisted way I'm almost glad the Pens are finally making things interesting. Any other Wings fans feel this way? Thoughts?




  1. Nah, I kinda felt the same way. Although I was still hoping the Wings would steal that one at the end. It was a good game though.

    aunt gladys - Babcock is a class act, Therrien is a pouter.

  2. Wings want to win on home ice.  Give them this meaningless game.  I would have won 3 and thrown away 4 tho.

  3. No way should you feel guilty.  You are absolutely right, game 3 was a great game to watch.  It's way more fun when both teams show up.

  4. no, don't feel guilty, nothing wrong with not wanting the Wings to just stroll to the Cup.  I don't really care who wins, all I wanted was 7 great games of hockey.... especially as here in the UK games don't start till 1am and also because the final series are the only games shown live nowadays!

  5. God no.  I like the wings, they were my first hockey love affair, and I thank them every day for getting me into hockey.  But I wanted to see a good series and even got emotional at the heart the pens showed in battling back the behemoth that is the mighty wings in game 3.

  6. no,pens have good young talent and outstanding goaltender,detroit and pittsburgh should make a great series..too many facters make up the game,wings should prevail,but.....

  7. nope. I've been watching the Wings for 20+ years, and I was very happy to see the Pens finally start playing some cup finals quality hockey. I watched most of the finals all along, (I like to know what we're up against when we hit the finals), and was sadly disappointed in the lack of competition in the first two games, this is more like what you expect from the playoffs. GO WINGS!!

  8. No, you should be happy that you actually get to watch REAL hockey. The Pens were looking pathetic up until last night. Now this series can really get started.

  9. absolutely not. couldn't agree more.

    game 3 was the type of game that i was hoping to see every game, all series.

    it was good to see a competitive showing

    auntie gladys. good call. totally agree on the coaching.

  10. absolutely not i think thats completely understandable! Im a huge ranger fan and i was pretty upset with the penguins when they knocked them out of the series. However for some reason i find myself rooting for them even though in the end i want the redwings to win the cup.

  11. No, I enjoyed the game a lot, and got some serious spousal ribbing for wanting the Pens to give their fans some money's worth.

    What I had been looking forward to when the series began was epic games, and the first two were much too one sided in the play, whatever the scorelines showed.   Now we can look forward to games where the Pens and the Wings do their job, that is, entertaining us!

    Did you see the lovely press conference Babcock gave?  The total antithesis of M. Therrien's when his team lost.

    Go Wings

  12. No. We finally had a good game in the finals. I always want series to go 7 games so I can watch more hockey, just as long as my team wins in the end. I was expecting this series to be like last nights game the entire time and was thouroughly disappointed in the forst 2 games.

  13. No you shouldn't feel guilty, unless you are glad the Penguins won lol, because you should want a good series. I wouldn't say the Red Wings dominated Game 1 either, yeah later in the game they started to, but it was even through most. The Red Wings played great defense and kept the Penguins from getting shots so people think the Penguins weren't doing much. If you watch the game though it was pretty even, I say through most some only give the Penguins about half the game. Now as a Penguins fan I can't answer for Red Wings fans, but I'd want the series to be hard fought as was predicted. Makes you feel more like it was earned.

  14. Don't be too glad because when Crosby & Malkin heat up your Wings will lose.  Another win at home and this is a series.

  15. i feel the same way. a very entertaining game and was hoping all of them would be this way. that six minute stretch in the third with no whistles was the ultimate. LET'S GO RED WINGS!

  16. Who cares wings are going to win anyway. Atleast its Pitt and not Philly.

  17. I'm right there with yo. After it was 2-0, I then began hoping it didn't become a blowout---which coulod have really hurt them. But, being as it was 3-2 in the end, I am sure the Wings are still confident about this series. I am a true Wings fan and I do not feel guilty for not wanting a sweep---that makes me a hockey fan!

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