
As a beginner-level jogger, how can I gain endurance to run longer?

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I decided that I want to run a marathon. My ultimate goal is to run a full 26.2 mile marathon.

The problem is, I am not a runner! I've been walking long distances for years (about 7 miles a day), but I can't jog for even a 1/4 mile without getting winded.

Over the past month, i've been trying to build some endurance – I usually I run about a 1/2 mile (or as far as I can) before I need to walk, then start jogging again. I don't feel like I am making much progress in distance, though.

Does anyone have any tips for how I can improve my endurance?




  1. i recommend using smart coach from runner's world.

    it gives you a free personalized workout schedule and will help you with your running endurance and speed.

  2. You have the right idea. Run until you need to walk and then walk until you feel like running.

    You should be making progress. If you have been walking long distance for years you should be able to run several miles in a few weeks.

    Relax, don't stress out since your objective is distance, not speed.

    You should be able to increase your running segments very soon.

  3. Maybe Run Like A Mile A Day!

  4. if u cant jog 1/4 of a mile...YOU so you dont suck

  5. Good job, keep up the hard work, take one day at a time. If you set a schedule for yourself (ie distance per day/pace) then you should be on a good track. Check out  They have some good training calendars.

  6. I'm not a runner either, but I ran track a few years ago. I got out of the habit, and now that I'm back in it.. I love it! I'm working my way up too, but I'm 3 weeks in and can run a mile straight before walking for about a min tops and then run another half mile before I walk again. I'm getting up there and you will too. You just have to build yourself up slowly. Try telling yourself just another minute, then when that minute passes, tell yourself again just another minute. Before you know it, you'll hit the mile mark.

    Another tip is try listening to some music. I've done so much better that way.

    Another tip is to chew gum while running. It keeps your mouth moist and gives you something to do so you're not concentrating on running so much or the pain if you're hurting.

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