
As a beginning rider, what should I look for in a horse before purchasing it?

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As a beginning rider, what should I look for in a horse before purchasing it?




  1. Acutully You should Really lease a horse first ,

    If not then Always take a PRO with you , not a a back yard friend that own horses

    Then always ask for a Vet Ck,,

    And keep taking lessons, so you know how to properly take care of one.

    The more you learn the better you will be off..

    One last Note

    Do not Buy a young Horse. One that is broke and is very gentle ,


  2. please consider the breed and health, and of course your finances...

  3. ofcourse the horse temperment is important, as well as the health, feet etc, i always look at the eyes, too much white showing or the look of alarm, you should beable to touch it all over and feel comfortable with it, also look at its surroundings, and previous owners and if they have any other animals, how are they treated?? remember we make them what they are good luck

  4. bring someone of horse knowledge with you..i can't stress that enough!! **LOOK at the horses feet! Do they look pretty solid? Are they cracking? Are they starting to curve up? Look at the horses all over conformation..are all it's body parts pretty even? Walk the horse..or watch it it lame in any legs? These are all very important signs.

  5. There are a lot of things to take into account: age, level of training (a.k.a. how broke they are), breed, etc... Certain breeds are more known for their laid-back personalities, such as the Quarter Horse (of course, not all fall into this category, but Quarter Horses are known for their level-headedness and for being great trail horses. Generally speaking, your stock horse category including Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, etc. are pretty decent starter horses). So do some research on different breeds. Additionally, age factors into the equation here too. Generally speaking, a 10-15 year old horse makes a pretty decent starter horse as they're more mentally mature than a younger mount. And of course, if you are a beginner rider, you will want to purchase a horse that is well broke. If you don't have the experience in training, you don't want to be messing with a horse that needs a lot of work. So hopefully this gives you a good start on your horse hunting. Look into getting riding lessons as well, both before and after purchasing a horse. Take somebody with a little experience with you when you go to look at different prospects, and have both this person and yourself spend some time riding the horse before even considering purchasing. And don't jump into a sale too quickly-- sometimes when we're excited about something, we tend to go after the first thing we find. Wait it out for that perfect riding partner-- you won't regret it! I hope this helps you out!

  6. You are a beginner,you should not just jump in.

    I have seen many people think that just because they start riding means they should own a horse,keep taking lessons and after you get more experience then you should look into leasing a horse.

  7. woah woah woah!! try riding fo a wile b4 u buy uh horse ive been riding forr 7 yrz and i dont have uh horse i lease one tri leasin 1 frst

    ya digg?

    BrAnDy OuT

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