
As a break from all these questions about the world cup?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone who plays rugby started their season yet?

How is it going so far? Are you playing well personally, what position do you play and what have been your highlights so far?

As for me the first match of my season is on the 31st of October, first round of the county cup bring it on!!!

Felt like asking this because there is an excessive amount of questions asking the same thing about the world cup.




  1.  all year round for the red light district as hooker!

  2. Aww, a nice question!  Yes, I'm getting tired of the World Cup questions, especially since so many of them seem to be "who do you think is going to win".

    My boyfriend plays rugby for our city's club, and their season is nearly over (last game will be November 10).  We don't win very often, but we did win the first game on our new pitch, so that was pretty exciting.  He generally plays second row, but he has played prop and hates it.  I think we both agree that his best game this season was last weekend; he got in a lot of good tackles.  One of them involved him picking up the other player and slamming him on the ground, lol.

    Good luck with your game!

  3. As a coach for Juniors its all the Rugby i can do now due to injuries recieved over the past 30 odd years playing myself.

    We have already played one festival and came second out of 10 teams and this Sunday will be the 5th week of training for the lads. It is interesting for them each year as they learn a new set of rules and positions, this year they are finally being broken down into contested 3 man scrums and lineouts as well as coping with heavier rucks and mauls.

    I love watching their faces as they enjoy themselves on the feild playing like boys should.

  4. Might be sad and boring for you to watch England do well, but as a 50 something guy who put many years into rugby at a pretty high level, I would say this:

    I see kids throwing a rugby ball about instead of playing kickball. All of a sudden, my local supermarket has England rugby shirts available, rather than "Chelski" or "Arsewipe" shirts. I would encourage young rugby players to get out there and play in the unlikely event that they had a game at 8pm on Saturday.

    Why is your season starting so late? Most rugby clubs are 9 or 10 games into their season by now. Who do you play for?

    Most rugby players want to see their national team do well at their preferred sport. They have been winning against the odds. Fair enough, to post questions about that I think, but if you want to tell us about your progress in the county cup, there will be people there to listen.

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