
As a canadian.........????? 10 points if u answer right!!?

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if your truly a canadian ,you should know about the alaska boundary dispute, why do you think the part US took away belongs to canada in the first place?




  1. The U.S. took it so Russia would not instill it's will on Canada or the States. The gold and oil didn't hurt.

  2. Oil like everything else they take or invade?

  3. I'm Canadian and I too truly have no idea what your talking about either.

  4. it wasnt part of canada is was part of russia (canadians suck that means u Mrs. Romet***)


    The 1903 arbitration was fixed. Canada was then still a dominion of Great Britain had not yet acquired full independence. In particular, the ultimate high court was still in London and Britain handled international treaties on behalf of Canada. Basically, we weren't a truly sovereign nation.

    Did anyone ask the Russians where THEY thought the boundary was? 'nuff said.

  6. The US bought it from Russia cause Russia was broke.  The Brittish never had power there.

  7. It doesn't because the United States of America is superior to that lame excuse of a country called Canada. Your merely our 51st state and the Federal Government has power over the State Government.

    That was an easy question.

  8. I'm sorry, was I supposed to pay attention in school?

    That's rather a big assumption that I have to know if I'm Canadian.

  9. Dear friendly ch1d0r1_...

    GO SUCK AN EGG!!!!

    If you hate Canada so much, why do you bother coming here?????

    And Alaska, as you saw earlier was never part of Canada. Maybe try google before posting a question is a good idea sometimes.

  10. i am truly canadian and i truly have no clue what your talking about

  11. Define irony: A person named "Half African, Half Italian" is asking Canadians about a land dispute we had with Americans, over land that was purchased from Russians. The dispute was "settled" by a deciding vote from a British judge. But I digress.... :-)

    I would say that since cartography in the 1800's was not an exact science, and GPS did not exist yet, many of the borders in various countries have been disputed and changed over time.

    If I were around at that time and had to rule on the borders, I would probably have given Canada more land in the dispute, with the border going between the towns of Haines and Skagway. But that is just me.

    By the way, are you aware that Alaska's boundary is not the only disputed land in Canada? Canada has been in a land dispute with Greenland over a small chunk of rock north of the Baffin Sea called "Hans Island".

    And of course, Canada's First Nations have a number of land claims that are still being disputed to this day.

    So land disputes are not uncommon. The question is how are they resolved? Do we go to war because some country feels they have more right to a plot of land than another country? Pretty silly for a bunch of cold snowy land. Of course, with oil, diamonds, and gold being found all over the north, it becomes a pretty important thing to get settled, preferably in an international court so the countries all have agreement.

  12. Are you talking about the border dispute of 1903?  Why should any one now in 2008 have to know that? It was a minor incident in the history of Canada. "The part the US took away"? Alaska? was not Canadian. It was purchased from the Russians in 1867 to keep it out of the hands of the British who were also thinking of buying it from the Russians. The Russians were only selling it because they were in financial difficulties. I would have thought YOU would know your own history better than your question indicates. In fact, your question is so badly written as to be incomprehensible. Perhaps sober up and try writing it again. If you are going to slip across to the good side of the border, stay away from our beer - you do not seem able to handle it.

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