
As a child or even as a teenager, what non-material things made you happiest?

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My mom has always worked, before I was even born. She worked long hours, even more so than my stepfather. And while we enjoyed the ocassional weekend out, it wasn't like she could spend too much time with us in between school and work. To me, it was the biggest treat for her to stay home one day. Even if I had school, I would be excited the whole day waiting to get out, knowing she'd be at home when I got there. And this lasted well into my teenage years.

What can you honestly say made your day or even your week when you were a kid, that did not at all involve material things?




  1. Getting together with my whole family. It was nice to know that no matter what I'd have them to turn to.

  2. Time alone with my Dad. That always was the time I was the happiest when a child. I followed him around like a little puppy all my young life

  3. family i loved attention lol. its no use having all the toys if you have no one to throw them at

  4. My family, friends, and willpower have made me very happy

  5. SNOW DAY!!!!!!! lol! No matter what age, a day off is always the best! And tons of snow is just icing on the cake!

    Or a trip to the beach. That was always nice.

    Oooooh and also I was always happy when I was watching my favorite movie, "A little Princess"

    Those were mostly what made me, as a child, happy. But as a teenager I just love being with my friends.

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