
As a christian, when is p**n a lust or a sexual desire?

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sexual desire is a God-given gift but lust is a sin right?




  1. Any sexually explicit material, typically equating s*x with power and violence,  - this is the meaning of pornography..

    now, do u think its God-given?or is it a sin?

    u decide..always seek God's guidance..keep praying..

    God bless u..

  2. God has another name for s*x- He calls it "marriage". Any s*x, lust etc outside of marriage is sin. For a married person lusting or having s*x with other than his/her spouse is called adultery. For a single person lusting or having s*x is fornication. s*x, sexual desire etc with a spouse is one of the greatest pleasures that God granted us to enjoy.

  3. Where is common sense when you need it.

    p**n is comitting lust of the eyes and mind. There is no if and when.

    And thats another reason why I'm not Christian, thank the Goddess.

  4. p**n is lust because that person is not your wife and you are immagining doing sexual things with her. LUST, I dont even look at girls butts anymore like i used to. p**n will only drive you away from God.

  5. Yes, God gave us the desire toward a woman and lusting in our heart is a sin.

    These are some of the things I should be thinking about: That woman I lusted after does not belong to me. It is not my right to think those things about her. She is someones daughter, sister, mother, niece, aunt, or even a child of God. That woman was not born to serve my selfish, insensitive, and sinful nature. It is disrespectful of me to look at her with that in my heart. I should be looking at her with compassion, I should be thinking of how I can help her, or does she have any problems that she needs prayer for. My need to satisfy my lustful ideas do not bring glory to God.

    Php 2:1  If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

    Php 2:2  Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

    Php 2:3  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

    Php 2:4  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

    Php 2:5  Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    As men we have to learn to respect, love, and cherish the woman God gives us and every woman we interact with. Women are the glory of men.

  6. sexual desire is a nice way of saying p**n freak. sexual desires are cool to have with your husband and or wife. Which you can be p**n freak or sexually desired or whatever. But part of being a christian is  ignoring the devils tricks when he sends these freaks your way. God gave us something special and satan uses it to try and make us sin. just like he will attack a person's finances or family to get them to sin.  

  7. Sounds like you're a Christian who wants to watch p**n and trying to find a loop-hole.

    I would recommend not letting your bible think for you, and re-examining your beliefs.

  8. We are living in an evil world. p**n is evil since it contaminates our mind. It gives us a false message that everything on earth is about s*x and there is no need to control it as anyone can have s*x with anyone. In fact, sexual intercourse with anyone other than one's legally married spouse should not be done. But for a person who is addicted to p**n, there isn't any need to keep such parameters. Keep away from p**n.

  9.   My friend our emotion drives us to sexual desire leading us to lust. However, our emotions are neutral and we must use our mind to determine when our desires are directed properly in order to act with justice and love and to uphold the dignity of others.  Sure p**n is served on our plate to feed our sexual desire but what does our right mind say to us;  does it uplift our dignity or does it tend throw us back to our animal ancestral past that bit too much?  Do we want to move forward as a humanity or backwards?


  10. Lust and sexual desire are the same d**n thing. Why can't you wake up and smell the doublethink in your question details?

  11. u got to roll with da ocean

    sway with da wind

    u gotta lean wit it

    rock wit it!!!!!!

  12. Sexual desire is a God given urge, else we wouldn't mate and reproduce. The appreciation of beauty is also a gift from God, as is the beauty that we appreciate. The beauty of a woman is therefore a double gift of God. She was meant to look that way, and you were meant to like it. Now,that being said, if you allow your appreciation of beauty to go too far into fantasies of a sexual nature, then you are lusting after the woman. If you imagine yourself having s*x with her, it is just like you did it, which is fornication. We are not meant to dwell on such things for extended periods of time. Just enjoy the beauty of our world while it is before your eyes.

  13. p**n  is  what makes  men to lust  its bad pictures  or  film

  14. I thought that to arouse sexual desire was the purpose of p**n.

  15. Yes sexual desire is a God-given gift . That is why you are supposed to be married so you can have s*x with your spouce.

    As long as your lust stays in your marriage you are fine. Stay away from p**n it rots your brain.

  16. Sexual desire is nature given not a mythological god given.  

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