
As a conservative voter, I am willing to admit....?

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that Obama is such a threat because he is such an eloquent speaker. Why won't liberals admit that they are intimidated by Gov. Palin because she is a smart, independent, free thinking woman?




  1. I can't admit that because she has not spoken but five minutes in public since being named the VP candidate so how can we be expected to judge if she is smart, independent or a free thinker? Stories coming about her are both negative and positive and who knows which to believe. She is going to have to earn my respect and she hasn't so far based on what I know.

  2. Free thinking woman here, not at all intimidated by Gov. Palin.  Appalled yes, not intimidated though.  So nothing to admit there.

  3. It is a conservative's thinking that we are intimidated by Palin. Hello?  

  4. Obama may be eloquent but he has nothing to say, he just repeats the same rhetoric over and over.  it is working but that's a sad commentary  on our country

  5. I think Obama is a threat because he lowers the bar of political discourse. Who can disagree with "America should be a place of hope and prosperity" - yet millions of americans (so eager to get rid of anything bush) fail to question him on specifics. Sure, his websites gets a little more detailed, but is woefully oversimplistic and hasn't adequately been debated. If Obama has everything figured out, why hasn't he drafted some bills in his current power role?

  6. She might be all what you say, But she is total out of the main stream.

  7. Obama can't speak well on his own.

    I don't speak well, but I speak better than that.  In that clip he says he has two children and that babies are a punishment.

    He must be into some S&M if that's the case.

  8. She should have been freely talking to her daughter about the importance of birth control and talking to the sheriff about how to properly dispose of emails and phone messages. Ask OJ innocent people do not need lawyers, he had one and so does she!

  9. Because it will clash with their ideas about conservatives.

  10. Well, I cant vote yet (almost!), but I know for sure that I tend to be way more liberal than conservative. I have been reading alot about Palin and am not intimidated by her. I think that it's great that she is an independent woman, however I really do not agree with her stance on most things. I dont really know if what you say is true for other liberals, but I know it isnt for me. I still respect people even if they believe different things than I do, because I believe in tolerance.

  11. Well I have to commend you for that but how can we be intimidated by an ex wanna be beauty queen? It's laughable! Not to mention that her only experience comes from running a state that has a population less than that of Los Angeles! What a joke! You guys are really clinging now!

  12. I do not admit things that are untrue.

  13. Who says we won't?

    I think Palin is smart and independent woman and I am a liberal.  

  14. It's not about the VP candidate, it's about Republican agenda or Democrat.  All the candidates are admirable in my book, especially after the last 8 years, but the US can't afford the conservative agenda, it cuts out too many of the population.  All the hoopla about Gov. Palin just doesn't matter.

  15. Are u kidding me dude! That is the worst excuse ever. Obama laid out his plans, speaks for all americans, and you feel that's a fault? You disappoint me. Voting for a man who doesn't fund teen pregnancy prevention programs, and does not understand that condoms help prevent HIV, is not the man to govern the United States of America, or anything for that matter.

    Palin has no foreign policy experience, and the fact that Fox cast reporter stated that "Yes she has...Alaska is right next to Russia" does not count. The woman considers herself a feminist and yet does not allow women to live their lives if they were raped, or had a child through incest. That is wrong, no matter how you look at it. Palin herself has no idea on what the Vice president does, and I am not sure McCain does either. Otherwise, Palin would have not been the choice.

  16. I agree Palin is smart, independent, and all those things, but she lacks the experience that the republicans are accusing Obama of not having.

  17. oh please, that woman is a train wreck and a right wing nut job

  18. Before you start good-mouthing ol' Palin, consider why she would do something like lie about herself (obviously not pregnant) being pregnant, when in fact the anti- s*x education standpoint and teen pregnancy activist vice presidential candidate's 16 year old daughter was truly the one pregnant.  

  19. Palin is a good speaker too, just wait and see. And she writes her own speeches, so what she says comes from the heart, not from a professional speechwriter.

  20. You are right about Obama being a good speaker. But only in front of a teleprompter and with a controlled crowd.

    Palin on the other hand has taken everyone, on both sides, by surprise. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain at this point in politics. She can afford to tell both democrats and republicans where the dog died and the people will love her.

    Obama speaks what the people want to hear. But he is swift enough not to make promises. All he offers is hope and change. He hasn't offered any solutions. He wants the public to interpret for themselves what he means by hope and change. And thats where he has his followers snagged.

  21. I got her daughter pregnant...

    Nah just kidding...

    or am I?

  22. honestly.... Kay Bailey Hutchison (or Condoleezza) woud have scared the S**t out of me..... i and most liberals where hopeing (praying) for Romney..... but this whole Palin thing, OMG, it is a gift from the gods! :)  thank you Mr.McCain!

  23. Haha - if you think Obama is a great speaker, check this out:

    It's a myth.

  24. I don't know anything about her other than she parrots ultra conservative party lines.

  25. Stuck on the L word?

    Palin is a lunatic.  She bans books, pretends she's pregnant and wants to shoot bears from the sky.  Weird.

  26. Oh yes, she is.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    Most women do not know that all BC pills kill  babies and here is how.

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

    Since McCain's father did not live to 72 she will probably even be President.

    Also as a tireless fighter for the oil companies she will succeed in opening Anwar.

    She presides over a State whose budget has gone from 2.9 billion when she took office to 9 billion next year. 14,692.00 per person in the State. Wow. And they still have to pay Federal tax, and do not have roads between cities.

    Increasing spending by 3 times in just less than 2 years. She is better than Bush.

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