
As a crime, do you think rape is taken seriously, or is it perceived as something to jest about?

by  |  earlier

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There was a case in Ireland last year, where a convicted rapist was given a suspended sentence.

The sentence was enforced when the rapist later made fun of his victim.




  1. should be serious, how many men get 'off' from punishment because you 'cant rape your wife'.  should cut it off and lock them up for a looooong time

  2. Rape is a very serious crime. I am appalled at the Irish case you cite. In my view, as a mere man, rape is worse than murder because the victim has to live with the memory. Rapists should be jailed for a very long time without exception.

    However, I do have a problem with the current anonymity laws in GB. Some (a few) women cry rape as a weapon against a man. Any man accused should have anonymity until convicted; similarly the woman should be named if it is found that she acted maliciously in bringing the charge - NOT if the charge is simply not proved.

  3. You answered your own question there. You just said it yourself - you're referring to a particular case whereby the bloke in question who carried out the rape made fun of the woman in question. So what's really the question here?

  4. I think it is a subject that is percived as something to jest about.There are so many comedies based around sexual vulgarity within our pop culture which is OK if thats your sence of humour but the problem is that within film and TV rape is just another form of sexual activity and isnt succesfully seperated from everything else as an abborant act but rather just another thing to laugh at.

    The thing that really gets me is the amount of females that now join in with such a culture.Theres nothing wrong with harmless banter but when such a banter helps contibute to a society in which women are afraid to speak up about abuse for fear of been ignored or even laughed at , thats when things need to change.

  5. Rape is not always taken seriously by those that have to prove the case (or defend it for that matter) a women that is raped is traumatised and in shock (same goes for men even they are the minority of cases), that woman also feels great shame and feels as if she is to blame. The decision is then needed to go to the police and report the case, you then have to go through an intoragation that is not tame and you have to be medically examined - this in itself is extremely traumatic. After all this, the powers that be will determine if they (not you) have enough evidence to go and interview the accused (remember most rapes occur by a person that you already know, only a very low percentage is done by a total stranger) and then they take the decision that its not enough - for various reason such as evidence not concrete enough (you waited too long to report it and now they have no solid evidence + the guy denies it); you were not capable of correctly identifying all the facts as you were under the influence - in the end only a very very small percentage of rape cases go to court and convictions get done. Rape is rape whether you are in a relationship and your partner does the deed, or your "best friend" decides you asked for it or your "family" decided they need to teach you how to behave as a women. The powers that be need to get real and realise this is a major issue - I would think that it could be classed as sexual descrimnation against the victim.

  6. Rape if very heinous, no matter what the age of the victim.  Rapist should be punished for the crime, not for making a joke about it!

  7. that is disgusting they should die

  8. question for you,  of all the people who are in jail right now over there, what is the most popular offence?  like what is the majority of crime of the prisoners in jail?


    well in America our jails are full of repeat drug offences, and the war on drugs is a failure so much so that there are repeat drug offenders who take up all the room and we let paedophile and rapist out to make more room for the drug addicts and dealers

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