
As a customer in a restaurant, what are your biggest complaints about servers?

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What are some tips you'd like every server to know?

What would make your overall experiences in restaurants better?




  1. My biggest complaint is that, compared to European waiters, "servers" in the U.S. are amateurs. Anyone can become a waiter... they receive no training... and many are inept at their trade. I went to an up scale restaurant last week. The waiters attempted to joke with me and be my buddy. I neither want nor like that. The waiter is not my buddy, and in that setting, and he is not my equal... he is my servant, and I expect good service and respect. They received no tip from me.

  2. I don't like too-friendly servers -- I want to socialize with whoever I came with. Just introduce yourself politely and ask for our orders. A little bit of friendly chit chat is OK like about the weather, but not a long involved conversation and nothing personal please, I don't even know you.

    I do like it if the server comes by once in a while and asks if we need anything else, but it doesn't have to be every two minutes -- I realize people are trying to do a good job but it's OK, we don't want to run you ragged! (I have worked in customer service myself!)

    In turn, I promise to be clear about my orders, not to change my mind after twenty minutes and call you back to the table, and to leave a decent tip if the service hasn't been horrible. (But I would like to linger just a little bit over coffee afterward, if the restaurant isn't crowded.)  

  3. i think that when i go to a restaurant i'm looking for a server to be nice to have a smile most of the time to ask me if i'm ok if i need anything to treat me right if they do that then i would be happy and i would give them a good tip

  4. servers r sometimes not proactive,i guess, e overall experience is okayy..

  5. I personally hate it when I run out of water. That is my thing though.

    I also dislike it when they aren't quick about picking up the check with my credit card. Sometimes I'm in a rush and would like to get out of there.

  6. I don't ever remember having a bad server experience.

    I've had couple of experiences where everything took forever, but on these occasions when I perked up and looked around, there just weren't enough servers. That's the restaurant's fault not the server's who are overworked and trying to get it all done.

    I've also gone to a couple of places where the food was bad to mediocre.

    That's not the server's fault either.  But I don't go back.

  7. Pay attention to the customer. I hate having to wait when my drink is empty, or have to summon a waiter over to refill my drink. A good waiter will walk by at least 2 or 3 times during a meal to check and see if the patron needs anything. Also ask if everything is ok, when they finish ask if they enjoyed the meal. And if they do not eat all their meal, offer to take their plate and put their remaining food in a to-go container. When dining out, if a waiter or waitress does all this for me, I'll tip AT LEAST 25% or the bill.

  8. I hate when they ask how everything is either before I've taken one bite, or while my mouth is full.

  9. They should understand English and wait until you leave the restaurant before they clean the table and take their tip. Not do everything when you go to the bathroom to wash your hands.

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