
As a flanker do you think i should wear a scrum cap??

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for rugby i dunno whether its better to wear one or not.. what do they actually do?




  1. Personal preference mate. I used to play flanker a lot and I wore it sometimes. Whenever I had to play number 8 I always wore one. You have to jam your head between the locks in the scrums and it can get quite tight in there. They say it doesn't help with concussions but you do feel safer and more confident when you wear headgear.

    Scrum caps/headgear can get annoying. It does affect your hearing and your head can get hot. I would usually start with it on and then take it off during the game.

    So I recommend you get one and try it out. Then you can weight up the benefits of headgear with the comfort factor.

  2. well, you should wear one cause it offers some protection from concussion, like when your scrum collaspes to one side and everyone lands on the flanker on the unlucky side. AND IT COULD BE YOOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Scrum caps are for protection from cuts and scrapes and the old cauliflower ears.  It's totally personal choice.  It certainly wont hurt your play.  If you have long hair it is good for keeping that under control too.  I used one when I played... I think they are good.  They do almost nothing for concussions though so don't think it will help for that.

  4. I'm a hooker and don't wear one.  I thought we were only allowed to wear pads to protect existing injuries.  So unless you're already brain damaged, I wouldn't wear one.  ;)

  5. Designed to protect the ears of the front five ( cauliflower ears) . It is a personal choice for other players. They do offer a little protection to the head but only very lightly padded.

  6. stop playing rugby u idiot. problem solved

  7. scrum caps are designed to absorb and lessen the force of impact, i wore one for years and still do. if it can take 10% impact out of a collision then thats got to be good yes.good luck mate,and enjoy your rugby.

  8. it cant harm you. it can only do u good. do you want those ugly ears when ur older? and it helps jus a tiny bit with knocks to the head got a knee hitting my head once and since then ive been wearing head gear got hit again the same way it didnt do much but it did help. ur choice man it really cant harm you to wear one jus make u look like a dork if its really ugly on you.

  9. Mate,

    The way rugby is played today i highly recommend you wear headgear especially loose forwards. Why Richie McCaw doesn't wear one is beyond me, hopefully he doesn't have head troubles later on in life.

    Good luck and keep your eyes on the ball and NOT the blond in the crowd as that could be the oppositions captains wife...

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