
As a foreigner how can i apply for a university in canada?

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ok,im 17, I live in the u.k, have done all my life but im interested in taking up a career in forestry in Canada, and so i'm looking to enroll in a forestry university like UNB. Are my grades that i got in the u.k transferrable? Also if i study forestry in the u.k then are my qualifications transferrable?Oh and another thing, will i need a greencard to study in the USA because on the greencard site it says the u.k isn't eligible. thanks!




  1. Yes you can apply university in canada.

  2. If you want to work in forestry in Canada, it may be better if you do your degree from a Canadian university, as credentials are not always transferable.  Your grades from the UK would be used for admission.  UNB is a good school.

    You don't need a green card to study in the US.  You would have to apply for a study visa.  UK residents are eligible for green cards, but are probably not eligible for the green card lottery, which is probably the site you were looking at.  As a citizen of the UK, you would have to use a different route for a green card in the US, but that is not necessary for studying there.

    To study in Canada, you need to apply for a study visa.  Here is a link to the Canadian immigration site which will give you all the information about the process of applying for a study visa.  Best of luck with your plans.

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