
As a future expat, how much would cost exporting my car to Vietnam from Canada?

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As a future expat, how much would cost exporting my car to Vietnam from Canada?




  1. Some months ago we were quoted around $7000 for a container, from VN to the US. People that I have known who shipped a car often did so in a container, along with other HHE. You have to be careful that everything is secured though - rough seas can trash a car in a container with other loose goodies.

  2. Hey SweetJen,  the shipping is not the problem so much as the import duties.  and cars are not the norm here.  In the larger cities having a car just means that you will spend more time stuck in traffic.  The motor bike is king here and allows you to move through traffic much easier.  

    Sell the car and put your money in a Viet bank at 17%.  thats tje best thing to do with that thought.

  3. I think it's roughly $1000.

    But why?

    It's probably a lot easier just selling it then buying one over there.  Not to mention more environmentally conscious.  It's also probably cheaper.

    Is it a hotrod or antique car?

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