
As a girl - how to dress in Germany ? Do you need headscarf as well ?

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As a girl - how to dress in Germany ? Do you need headscarf as well ?




  1. Why would you need a head scarf? Germany is a Christian Country not a Muslim one. But if you want to wear one, feel free to do so.

  2. Germans dress like the rest of us in north america and western europe.  A headscarf is only worn by muslims or in inclement weather as a head covering by others.  If you want any hat could be used if you want to cover your head in bad weather or for shade.  You can wear skirts, pants, pantsuit whatever pleases you and the club scene at night they have some real strange places where clothing is....  well sort of optional (some clubs not all).

    Basically dress as you do at home and enjoy your time there.

  3. I spent two weeks in Germany a few months ago in several cities across the country.  The girls there dress exactly the same as in the USA.  Head scarfs are not nrequired but are optional.

  4. girls are not allowed to wear anything

    all girls must walk around naked

    girls with a name Cindy are not allowed to walk around in germany anyway

  5. umm..its the 21st century..and its summer time..i think you can dress how you do where ever your are now...

  6. looooooooooool when i visit my in laws in the states they act like germans life in the woods and eat raw you people really know that less about other countries???? come now read a book from time to time

  7. Only if your Religion says so, other wise No yo do not have to.

    Some do in the Winter of course when it is really cold but it is not a standard but if it is your faith you will not be looked down upon either!!

  8. I guess if you are Muslim you do.

  9. No you don't need a headscarf. You should dress as modest as you would dress back in the States.

  10. Germany is not a muslim country so you won't need a headscarf

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