
As a graduate of NASCAR Technical Institute, what starting pay should I expect if I am hired by a NASCAR team?

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As a graduate of NASCAR Technical Institute, what starting pay should I expect if I am hired by a NASCAR team?




  1. you may have to volunteer to fetch coffee and sweep the shop floors.

  2. that's another name for UTI, if I'm not mistaking and i graduated there back in 96.... i currently use none of the info i gained from there, as i got into heavy equipment and doubled my income.... I'm not knocking the school, and they should help you get a job... but like them telling us we "COULD" work for ferrari the sad part is maybe if your the best student there for the year and you knew the right people you might be able to talk to someone that can send you in the right direction to get you the proper schooling to work at ferrari, that's what they used to get me hook... the good thing is you get that piece of paper that says you know what your doing and that's what employers want, as far as their NASCAR division if you went to school there and then straight to NASCAR that school would be the most popular school in america lol........ good luck and set your goal alittle higher than 40K... i made that as a regular tech in central texas

  3. they don't have job placement at the school?  

  4. My son graduated from that school in 2003.  The jobs at NASCAR race teams in the Mooresville area are very hard to get because you have to know someone to get hired.

    He then went to Audi school and graduated from there in 2004.  He found a job at an Audi dealer as a technician where he worked for 2 years making about 50k a year.  He then applied for a Service Advisor job at an Audi dealer which is what he is doing now and should make about 70k this year.  

  5. It depends on what you do... I'd expect no less than 40K

  6. Forget 40K. Entry level positions don't pay much. Without experience or connections, don't expect to get hired on. The Mooresville area is flooded with out of work welders, fabricators, and mechanics. A good place to get a foot in the door is on a Hooters Cup or ARCA team.  

  7. I hate to tell you this but you are going to need many years of real world experience first. real world experience and school experience are totally different

  8. One of the instructors at your school should have that info, also most tech schools have a job board for students.  

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