
As a homeschooler what activities outside do you think would be fun?

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Since i'm inside all day give me some fun things to do!




  1. Let me tell you what my 12 year old does.  Perhaps you will get some ideas.

    She goes to park day twice a week.  Google "park day" and your town's name to find your closest homeschooling park group.

    She takes science classes twice per week.

    She takes Tae Kwan Do five times per week and volunteers at the Tae Kwan Do school twice per week.

    She takes art classes.

    Horseback riding.

    Sewing - with adults, mind you.

    Hope that gives you a few ideas.  Above all - do what interests you!  Experiment and have fun!  Be well.

  2. learn something new (a foreign language, a make-up course) in the garden, under a tree. You will fell the fresh air and the smoothness of the wind.

    And you can admire the sunset too!

    Fairy learning!  ~~~~

  3. If you like chemistry do experiments. Whatever you like do the most. If you love being on the internet inform other people about homeschooling. People are very curious to find out if you like it or not. But for me the best thing to do is find one other person who is homeschooled plan to meet up with them everyweek and hang out while you do your work. That. the beauty of it you , you dont really have restrictions and there is no teacher to tell you are talkin to much.

  4. Sports, dance classes, pottery, volunteering at an animal shelter to walk dogs, art classes, pretty much any kind of physical activity or hobby. Have fun!

  5. My daughter( who is homeschooled) rides her bike, scooter, walks the dog. She takes karate 2ce a week in the evenings and likes to lay out on the hammock and write poetry. She hoola hoops and makes up chalk games in the driveway. She sews w/ other homeschoolers at a fabric store, we have a membership to a museum, and plays with the girl next door when she comes home from school.

  6. Well as a TEENAGER, I'm fond of soccer. Jumping rope is fun too. Playing on a trampoline, skating, riding a bike, swimming, bird watching, studying the wildlife near the river, painting and building things outdoors (swings, tree houses, forts, etc), volleyball, fencing, though I usually do that inside a gym... running track. What do YOU like to do?

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