
As a human beings, how people can support animal rights?

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like don't use animal's skin product, and become a member of WWF,donation , maybe?




  1. Buy as much locally grown meat, milk and eggs as you can - and buy them from a farmer who takes good care of his animals.

    There are an increasing number of farms that focus on humanely producing good quality products. By supporting these farms you are supporting people who respect these animals and understand that we are supposed to be good stewards and take good care of animals and the earth.

    Just keep it in perspective - don't put animals above human beings

    And please don't believe everything these animal rights groups say. Many of these groups are made up of people who haven't done enough research and/or don't have enough animal experience to know what they're talking about. For example when they let "oppressed" animals "free" they don't realize that these animals won't survive out on their own. Hopefully for the animals they are found quickly. Otherwise the lucky ones are killed quickly by predators. The not so lucky ones die from starvation, exposure, disease, etc. This is just one example how people who think they're helping animals are really hurting them.

    I hope this helps.

  2. How about you work for Human rights.

    Personally, I love animal skins. I have leather jackets, hats, shoes, boots, belts and furniture. I also have full leather in my Hummer, suede in my Cobra. I also enjoy hunting (Yes, I eat the meat!) and I have a few trophies. Though, I still haven't  had a chance to go bear hunting.

  3. i don't beat or starve my animals but as far as them having rights  when they come and tell me they are being treated unfairly then i'll change the way i treat them i think most of the animal rights people are nuts

  4. Watch the movie EARTHLINGS ,and then ask how can people Not ,support animal rights.

    We have to support them for the sake of compassion and because we can ,and they can NOT.

    Don`t use animal products is the best way,but it is difficult .because so much we use IS.

    Try to support conservation as much as you can ,to keep their territories in existence for as long as possible ,but this only applies to the wild animals ,

    So many atrocities are happening with domestic animals .

    It is becoming very sad indeed ,watch that movie and you will realize just how sad

  5. Join





    Chicken, lobster, steak, shrimp yummy!!!! :)

  6. Yes, to kill off all animals as not having them each died slowly. Take the out of their misery

  7. HI- there is a site called Care2 and they help legally with the rights of animals in the U.S.A. and all over the world. If you join them, you can have a say in how the government handles legislation concerning animal rights. Hope this helps , good luck and peace out!

  8. Animal rights ... hm.

    You mean like the right to vote, or to be treated equally in the workplace?

  9. Yes, we protect our dogs from fighting, ( I love my dogs by the way.) We kill our unborn children though, and that seems to be change. We have our priorities mixed up.

  10. Well, here's what I so do far:

    -become vegetarian.

    if this is "not possible" then at least buy free-range :/

    -do not buy products that are tested on animals (shampoos, make-up, etc.)

    -sign online petitions (such as care2) to help causes that help animals.

    -click the tabs and then the buttons (really easy) on these two websites everyday (only takes about a minute altogether; sign up on them to track how much you've helped): &

    -NEVER buy animals from a pet store or breeder. ALWAYS check your shelter first.. my second whoice would be to check individual rescue organizations made by ordinary animal lovers afterwards because at least those pets are not at risk or=f euthanization.

    that's all i do so far..

    donating to causes of course is very good to do, but i don't know of any good onces except for the humane society. it's good to research a little on the organization you decide to donate to, of course. i would not donate to peta personally..too much controversy.

    good luck!

  11. Don't wear them, don't eat them (or if you do, buy organic),  donate to animal welfare groups, adopt dogs and cats from animal shelters rather than supporting breeders, help protect habitats from development, help to educate others. There are countless things that can be done as steps towards improving the lives of non-human animals.

  12. The best thing you can do to support animals is to get real facts, not just those by extremist organizations such as WWF or PETA.  An in-depth study will show you what these organizations main target is, Money.

    Well rounded organizations will acknowledge that there are reasons controlling animal populations.  Without control, disease would all but wipe out a lot of species.  This is one of the many reasons that 99% of the animal species died out before man was around.  We have the unique opportunity to help slow the process today.

    As far as fur goes, some of these people answering don't have a clue what they are talking about.  Fur died down in the 70s and 80s, mostly due to uniformed extremists like PETA causing public opinion to sway. In the mid 90s, it started making a comeback, after people realized that it is a renewable resource, like trees are, and that making fake materials actually does a lot of harm to the environment in the form of hazardous wastes and pollution.  Most PETA type people where leather shoes, buy leather purses, have leather seats in there cars, but that's all right.  

    Unfortunately, there are bad apples in the minority that ruin the reputation of the majority.  Most fur trappers I have met have a genuine respect for the animals they take, and for the safety of peoples pets.  A minor few act irresponsibly, andthese are the stories you hear in the media. It's called propaganda.

    Contact your local university's biology department, or your state's DNR.  They can recommend good conservation practices in your area, and most have programs you can join for free.

  13. you can be for animal rights not hurting them or doing things to them to be mean. but not suing products and stuff well that is abit much. you know that if it weren't for animals research we'd not have so much known in meds and saving lifes like we do. i am for both.

  14. well, Not wearing fur is the most known. I NEVER see fur anymore.

    Protesting or voicing opposition to things like the seal hunt, fox hunting, whale hunting and so forth

    Not using anything animal based or tested on animals, be it soaps or chemicals or such.

    The real hardcore people don't eat anything animal based either. Not just meat, but milk, eggs, fish, cheese. anything like that

    to Logan, below me. Your comment really makes anyone want to work towards human rights. You're a selfish disgusting pig. I hope your hummer gets hit by a train  ._.

  15. eat chiken

  16. When nonhuman animals are bred, abused and murdered, they are exploited. Those are violations of their basic rights.

    The best way to give nonhuman animals their rights to not pay for them to be taken away.

    In other words, go vegan!

  17. im veggie and dont you any animal products aswell i have animal abusers i want to join somewhere aswell but im still at school and i want to do it full time after school as a job

  18. peta

  19. I think you should organize a picket of your local zoo.

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