
As a kid there was a commercial that asked how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?

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As a kid there was a commercial that asked how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?




  1. o, i miss that commercial. I loved the owl's voice.

    Boy: Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootise pop?

    Mr. Owl [grabs tootise pop from boy]: Let's find out. One. {in singing voice} Twoooo. Three. CRUNCH!

  2. The owl said (with a rrrrrolled 'r'), "A-one, a-two-hoo, a thrrrree! [crunch]. Three."

    Check out the link!

    (I loved this commercial!)

  3. it said 501 on the bottom left

  4. Ahhh yes memories LOL

  5. im not sure if you even asked a question here...and i honestly could never  make it to find out, i always bite after so long....!!!

  6. Yes with the owl and according to the owl it was 1,2,3,ccrruunnch!

  7. Yeeaaaa! With an owl that said to took "One...(l**k)...ah-two...(l**k)...then CRUNCH!" he eats the whole darn thing! Greedy little Owl!

  8. there was only three licks.

  9. With an owl :)

  10. i tried to do it but always succombed to the tasty goodness:) i like cherry and grape the best

  11. One...Two...Crunch, the world may never know!!!

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