
As a lawyer, did Obama ever represented poor people in courts without pay?

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As a lawyer, did Obama ever represented poor people in courts without pay?




  1. No.  He did manage to s***w the poor people by giving state money to Rezko, his bagman who was not even in his district.  He represented rich men and helped them milk the government and taxpayers for money.  That is what Rezko, his bagman paid him to do.  There are some eye openers in this blog.

  2. good question, but I wouldn't think so

  3. hahahaha no

  4. Courts appoint lawyers everyday for those unable to pay.

    The state pays these lawyers.

    Do you expect them to work for free?

    Do you work for free?

    Does a minister preaching about helping the poor work for free? No!

  5. Good one, ha ha ha!!

    That question was a joke right? Or were you serious?

    Oh c**p, if you were serious, then no.

    Sorry for laughing.

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