
As a minor, what EXACTLY are my rights?

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I'm under the age of 18. My dad and I are having this argument.

As someone who is under the age of 18, am I entitled to all of the amendments of the constitution? Do all laws apply to me?

Ones like a right to privacy - my parents are always saying they have a right to check my E-mails and such, but wouldn't that violate one of my constitutional rights?

I forget most of them. Oops!




  1. I think the laws still apply to teens. I had a friend when I was younger who's parents had a tape recorder on the phone. Now technically it's illgeal to record someone's conversation w/o them knowing however any court or police officer is not going to come after a parent who's keeping an eye on their kid.

  2. As a minor, you have no rights unless your parents give them to you. That's the reality of life!

  3. Stay in school honey.

    THe constitution only applies to government intervention.   Your parents are not the government and can check you emails, your voicemail, you text messages, you chat history just as long as you are living under their roof.

  4. You have the right to remain silent!

    If you are under 18, your parents are legally responsible for your actions.  As such, they have the right and reponsibility to govern your actions to protect both you and society.  We all have seen the news about minors who have posted inappropriate material on the internet which has gone on to cause physical or mental harm to another person.

    If you don't like the scrutiny, move out!  As long as you are under their roof, accept it graciously and be glad they care about you.

  5. YOu have certain rights; but you surrender many of them when you are a minor in favor of the decisions of your parents.  

  6. The body of law as it applies to minors is based on the Constitution, however as a minor, you are subject to the instructions and policies set forth by your parents.  The law says that your parents are responsible for your education, health, and well being.  The authorities will only intervene if there is evidence that you are being neglected or abused.  Parental authority in operating an orderly household trumps all else if these conditions are met.

    Do you have a "right" to expect privacy as a minor?  No.  While you can expect physical privacy while attending to cleanliness and body functions, and your parents should not be opening mail delivered by the Postal Service, your email and telephone conversations are not protected by the Constitution.

  7. Minors have limited rights.  

  8. You have certain rights, like when you go to the doctor, you have doctor / patient confidentiality. However, if that internet is in their home and you live with them, sorry but they have the right. You are still technically a child so unfortunately you really don't have a right to privacy if you are living in their home.

  9. Wh owns the computer and pays for the internet?

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