
As a mother of a son with autism hearing some of the remarks about autism hurt. Was my answer to this??

by Guest61039  |  earlier

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Unless you live with autism in your family everyday you don't know how painful it is. Was my answer out of line?


How can I be on social security forever?

How can I keep getting disablility payments? Do i have to have something really seriously wrong with me? What if you were diagnosed with autism, would you get it forever?




  1. No, you were not out of sounds like she was WAY out of line even by asking these kinds of questions!!

    I have also gotten some pretty rude questions about my daughter, who is autistic...I do my best to stay calm and try to inform people about the disability...maybe they didn't mean to be rude or have no idea what autism is.

    Most people don't know that autism is a spectrum condition, with the affected person being very lightly affected to severely affected with it...too many people have the image of autistics as that of the Dustin Hoffman character on Rainman.

    Also, people with autism often don't look "handicapped" so other people assume it isn't a "real" handicap, say like Down's Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy which are more visually obvious.

    Try not to take the questions as a personal attack; I know these kinds of questions are upsetting but can also be an opportunity to enlighten someone about autism.

    Good for you for standing up for yourself and your son.

  2. Not out of line at all....Y!A is all about educating people, and she seriously needed it. Now to go an answer her question....bwahahhaa

  3. some of you guys are to sensitive

  4. i thnk this person was asking how shw can be lazy and claim benifits all her life

  5. as a mother of a 12 yr. old autistic boy, I completely understand you and your reaction to that! It hurts,  But at least we know that our children will never be that sadistic to do something like lie to the government about a disability just to get out of working! apparently whoever wrote that is LAZY and afraid to work because they have failed in society and has been rejected! or they are just a moron ! You were not out of line! Big Hugs! *****

  6. You are one AWESOME Mom! My hat off to you for standing up to one of these idiots and telling them exactly what they need to hear, but no one else will say..   even the crappy docs who love to over diagnose... YEAH!!!!!!

  7. I don't think you were at all out of line. Why are some people so quick to judge, they see a child that looks at first glance like any other child and don't look any further. I have a child with Asperger syndrome and have been reported to the department of social security for making a false claim for my daughter. We had to attend an interview all because of some one elses ignorance. Autism is called a hidden disability and living with it can be a nightmare at times, also at other times it can be fun and interesting. Unless you live with someone who has autism you will never understand how hard and frustrating it can be. When people say things about my daughter I usually turn round and say, "she has autism, what's your excuse?". It does tend to shut people up pretty quickly. Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder and people with it should get benefits for life. Good luck with your son, and don't let ignorant people get you down.

  8. autism is a gift I have autism and I'm glad I have it don't get red of your sons gift

    P.S. watch my video

  9. No it was natural to feel the way you do for the affliction of Autism has no true cures, just hope and some improvements by the victim. There are some organizations that do work with autistic people and could supply more information and support for those with this illness. I don't think that person who wanted a handout for life understands where their responsibility lies.


  10. The person sounds like a lazy loser and the more they hear answers like yours the better off they will be in the long run.  

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to "get it" though. Sometimes it seems half the country is a bunch of wimps and losers crying about thier petty problems while they in reality have it better than any generation of people in the history of the human race.

    I have a little guy on the spectrum and I get pissed just like you did.

    God Bless you and your family and take care of yourself.

  11. no way your answer was totally appropriate, she was the one who was out of line

  12. I don't think you were out of line at all... I think it's absolutely ridiculous that people try to take advantage of the system instead of taking advantage of the fact that they are healthy human beings instead of wasting all their time vegging out watching Springer.

    Funny to me, that this perfectly capable human is wasting their life while I am sure your child is going to do everything possible to have all the priviledges this other person takes for granted.

  13. You didn't give us your answer to her!  She's just trying to find a way to be lazy her entire life, I think you are being over sensitive.  She didn't say anything bad about autism.  You can't go around punishing anybody that does say things about the disease, even if it does hurt you.  Most people don't know anything about it and you are right, unless you live with it daily, nobody will understand!

  14. It's so pathetic that some people are ignorant about this matter. I wonder how'd they feel if they're in your shoe. Persons with autism have special ability is some field. I know someone who graduated in college (library science and computer mgt.), can drive and can play the keyboards.

  15. So what happened? Did she report you and you got a violation? I am missing something here.

    I thought your answer was great!

    Don't let that lazy SOB ruin your day! ☺

  16. No, every word was on the money.  First , this person is looking for a way to be a leech on society.  Contribute nothing, take everything.  She has a small mind and even smaller vocabulary if she thinks having a permanent disability would be a cool way to do it.  It is such a slap in the face to those of us who live the life for real and fight tooth and nail for everything for our child- from an appropriate, quality education to insurance coverage for therapy and aids.  I was spitting mad the day our insurance refused to cover an AAC because it was not an aid to regain language.  They could care less if he could ever talk in the first place.

    Forget about her.  The only thing she deserves from you is indifference.  Nothing else is worth the effort.

  17. I don't think that you were out of line.  I think you were angry and upset, but  you're entitled to be passionate about a subject that you know and live every day.

  18. I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. Are you asking if your response to this woman was rude? And if so...what was your answer??? Can you add that bit of information to your question?

  19. I don't think that your answer was out of line at all.  Also shows her ignorance and immaturity if all she could come up with was FU as a response....Just dismiss it all as a poor excuse for a person.  Hope u have a good day!

  20. Some people in the world can be so ignorant. the reason people say things is because they are cowards. Because they dont understand a condition, or would not have the gutts to cope with a child with autism themselves they choose to be ingorant and the way it comes out is as nasty hurful comments. Personally I do not have any experience of Autism, but I have a member of the family who is profoundly deaf. You wo'nt believe some of the hurtful hings I have heard in the 12 years I have known him. I can identify with how it must feel. Its disgusting, and a form of childish pathetic discrimination.

    Remember one thing, your child is probably 10 times more intelligent than those around them as is my father in law.

    You jut wish that sometimes the rest of the world would see your child in the same way that you do.

    I know one thing, like with deaf children. While they child may or may not be able to communicate on the same level as the rest of us, they have alot of love to give.

  21. god bless the mothers of children who have autism. i dare someone to walk in my stillettos. when my son is 20 30 40 etc. i will still be there wipping is behind. my son is as severe as yours and i too am sick of idiot people. i salutue you! mothers of autism kick ***!

  22. I have a daughter with autism and yeah comments like that

    hurt.  I don't think you were out of line.

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