
As a muslim what is the first word that comes to ur head, when u hear the word?

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like whenever that word comes up my mum's like ooo, what them muslims done now, i'm like wth, u can't blame it on muslims all the time.




  1. Timothy McVeigh....I guess I'm still scarred by the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 where 169 people (including children) died. :(

    God have mercy on them.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. I think of men with beards who probably don't get to shower often, who probably stink, who probably live without electricity half the time !i

  3. FITNA

  4. zionists

  5. If i hear them say it in the American media, then they're most likely talking about Muslims, but in general I associate that word with Zionists.

  6. Allah : )

  7. terrorist = coward

  8. jews.

  9. Wahabies slave of the west  

  10. israel

  11. I am not a extremist, but my heart does not agree that muslims are terroristts though some muslims do such deeds.

    Actually the thing is that , when a non muslim commit a crime, people says that micheal, Jhon, David, Ishant and tony has done a crime.

    But when a muslim do some thing like that, its only muslim. No omer, no Saad, no Ali, only a muslim and every muslim is terrorist!

    Why is like that?

  12. extremists

  13. Stupidity.

  14. People ruining the good name and reputation in islam.

    That, and Israel!

  15. Chicken Wings; u know, if u serve chicken with some hot sauce, or maybe add a little lemon juice.

    Oh right, the question. about, "Al Qaida, the non-Muslims."

  16. Muh'riff

    Which means disgusting in Arabic

    wellll - idk.. nothing comes to mind,

    my soul just aches - and i feel

    hurt inside =\

    Only Allah knows.. and i keep

    faith with Him

    Much Peace && Love!

    Salam ^_^

  17. myself, I love to terrorise enemies of Allah.

  18. Media made up stories to attract people.

  19. Injustice which drives them to it

    George Bush and his so called brave Army

  20. It depends on what country they say the terrorists are from.  If they are from an Islamic country then yes I assume they are radical Muslims. If they are from Germany I think they are Germans, Ireland=Irish, etc.  I know it's wrong, but if the terrorists are not from an Islamic country I don't even think whether or not they are religious because many are not, they are just against another government, but terrorists from Islamic countries are doing so partly due to their religious beliefs.

  21. America lol

  22. Jihad.

    I think the association with terrorists and muslims is just another test by Allah (SWT).

  23. tbh i think of a beard don't ask why but maybe to do with osama's beard!

    I also think its so wrong that people are now linking that word with all muslims.  

  24. if Muslim is terrorist tell me right meaning of terrorist

    what about Hitler he is a christen kill Jews who i blame to religion or christen

    what about bush he is terrorist or not kill the innocent people in the name of war against terror  he is christen too

    ha ha christen please come out to hole first see your self then blame other  

  25. Planes, 9 11

  26. Wahhabis

  27. george bush

  28. ahh shut up

    thats wat comes to mind  

  29. I think of The Bush Administration!

  30. well muslims is NOT what comes to mind!

    i think of Americans and CNN news!

    and also some guns and bombs

  31. prejudgment against Muslims, though among all nations terrorists exist as individual and treated individually but when come 3 Islam it also exist among some individuals but we all, unfortunately, are treated accordingly

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