
As a native born citizen do you think you can pass the us citizenship test with out having to study?

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no studying just first time ?




  1. I'm not an American and I can pass your citizenship test.

  2. Not everybody I don't think.

  3. I think that would depend on one's age.  Close to high school age and I would think with no problem.

    However, I would not be able to pass it without studying for it.

  4. Wow, that's a tuffy. maybe. But then again, I never voted for "Abbott and Costello" Either, so it's possible.

    Better Dead then Red!

    President Obama!

  5. nope i took it in my spanish class two years ago and i failed by two questions.

  6. Every American citizen already had the same questions that are on the test in school. Since some of the questions involve dates and history, most would need to study. Nothing wrong with that.

    Immigrants are required to learn about the history of the US since they are asking to become citizens.

    Not remembering some of the answers 20 or 30 years later is not an indication of anything

  7. I don't think yanks could pass those tests. At least not the first time

  8. it depends upon ur iq and ur intellligency.........huraaah

  9. that is an interesting question:-)

    many native born cannot pass it......

    i took the test that is below, i did not pass it, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on me... :-(

    but? i did take it before and pass it.......

    so that shows you........

  10. Most Americans cant pass the text themselves and our government expects people that are from this country to pass it?  Oh come on now what is wrong with that picture?  In Oct 2008 the questions are suppose to be more difficult. I would love to see some politicians take this text.

  11. yes, it's basic knowledge for any educated American.

  12. Beauty is I don't have to

  13. Already took it, and I passed.

  14. Well that depends. I could probably pass it since I'm fresh out of high school but adults would probably have a hard time since the last time they had to think about history and civics was years ago.

  15. @ "Mariobrothers", post the questions or link to a trivia. I can probably answer all of them quickly. I've been reading a lot of books and comic books since I was a kid and I have a small library of books in my home.

  16. If the questions that The Captain provided in his link are true examples of the questions asked,anyone with a 5th grade education should be able to pass. This is basic stuff we are taught in elementary school.

  17. Can you pass, take a practice exam :)

    80% or more to pass :)

  18. Natural born Americans, I doubt it.

  19. That is a benfit of being born here and a legal citizen already. I think I could pass but then again I was educated before school issued condemns and jaunts accross the border with a teacher to get an abortion with out parental consent and before the words "mommy and daddy' were erased from text books and before 3rd grader were taught to tolerate homosexualtiy and before boys could attend school dressed as a girl....................get my point?

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