
As a new comer where to live in Australia?

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Hello All,

If we assume that a new immigrant is heading to Australia for the first time he got no relatives there, his english is OK and he can easily integrated with the Australian culture and laws, he got job offer potentials almost everywhere. So how he can decide where to live in Australia?

I ve seen the pictures of almost every city, read articles and statistics and found all are great yet which is the best for a new comer, most welcoming strangers, racisim level is minimum, much easier to get integrated in.. and best to raise a family in.





  1. Australia is the safest place on Earth no one will bother you we dont care about what race you are or anything like that as long as you respect our laws you will be fine.

  2. Well these are where these sort of people are suited on jobs and how well the community treats them.

    Muslim: Sydney

    Macedonian: Newcastle

    Sudanese: Newcastle or Sydney

    European: Melbourne

    South American: Brisbane or Perth

    Japanese: Newcastle or Sydeny

    Other Asian: Sydney (There are a lot of Asian people in Sydney)

    (There are a lot of Asian people in Sydney)

  3. Sydney

  4. Brisbane for sure.  Less pollution than Sydney or Melbourne. You have marvellous beaches an hour north or an hour south. The lifestyle is fabulous, warm weather all year round. People very friendly (most of them) and although population is rising steadily, it is still not as crowded as Melbourne or Sydney.  Go for Brisbane, I say!

  5. First of all, Jayde has obviously never been outside Sydney or Melbourne. White Australia everywhere except Sydney and Melbourne?? I've never heard such bull!!

    Brisbane and the other smaller cities are incredibly multicultural and welcoming to people from every background. Regardless of your colour, race or whatever, if you arrive with a friendly smile and an open mind, you'll be made welcome.

    I suggest that you narrow down your list of cities based on their climates and cost of living.

    If you want it to be warm all year and would prefer the cost of living to be lower than in Sydney and Melbourne, come to Brisbane. Ours is the best climate and our lifestyle is great mainly because of the fantastic weather. Great job potential - Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, one of the boom states with a thriving economy.

    If you prefer cool winters and hot dry summers with a lower COL, go to Adelaide. Cheapest mainland capital. Economy not so good.

    Perth is more expensive than Adelaide and its winters are a little warmer, but it has hot dry summers. Thriving economy. Capital of the other boom state. Smaller than Brisbane and very isolated from the rest of the country.

    Sydney is the most expensive city and being our largest, is also the busiest and least relaxed. Economy OK, but only because it's the biggest city in the country.

    Melbourne has cool wet winters, hot summers and its COL is second to Sydneys. It's a great city and if I didn't live in Brisbane, that's where I'd be. Economy OK, but not as good as Brisbane and Perth.

    Come to Brisbane. You won't be sorry. Best place in Oz to raise a family.

  6. Sydney or Melbourne.  

    The smaller cities are still very much "White Australia".  Stick with the big cities if you want the easiest transition.

    Sydney is pretty much the economic hub of the country.  Melbourne is a bit more "artsy", kinda European feel.

  7. Queensland

  8. I am a Lebanese sorry to say that but with white skin, secular and sometimes I find it racist in Sydney especially in the Medai. Ok there are some bad Lebanese there but the attitude toward Lebs in unacceptable.

    I moved to Adelaide and find it much nicer there.

  9. Perth, because it is much more tolerant and there are no migrant ghetto's there unlike the eastern cities, and much easier to get work no matter what race you are.

    And wages in Perth are higher than Sydney, and much higher than Melbourne.

    Also the WA economy is booming, whereas in the East the economies are stagnating or declining with people losing jobs.

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