
As a new parent what do you think?

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How do you feel when going out to cafes and restaurants? Do you feel welcome? What do you think would make your trip out more comfortable?




  1. I'm not a parent. I have no problem with parents bringing their babies out into cafes or similar, nor do I have a problem with mothers breast-feeding their babies, as I feel it's natural.

    I do, however, have a SERIOUS bone to pick with parents who let their little brats run around screaming, and who get all uptight when I tell the children to be quiet. I mean, I shouldn't have to tell other people's kids to behave themselves, not when the parents are right there, should I?

    I don't include very young babies crying in this, by the way. Just the ones who are old enough to know better - both parents and children.  

  2. I've always felt welcome, but I live in a town where there are a lot of mums who go out to cafes. Occasionally someone has made a comment when there has been a big group of us. My response has been that there are some cafes that are popular with mums and some which aren't (due to space for prams) and that if they don't like it, they should go somewhere else!

  3. we go out all the time.  usually the staff is really nice and they talk to my son too.  he is 17 months.  sometimes we do get a little embarassed when our son screams or throws a fit, but so far we haven't had any negative reactions.

  4. I just go out with confidence! I make sure to have a bottle handy for my son but I really dont care what other's think.  

  5. When I first had my son me and my friend went to the Olive Garden for lunch and I was very welcomed by the staff and was offered whatever help needed.  I would suggest going at a time that you know the baby sleeps and budget your time accordingly.  Enjoy yourself but know when your baby will be up for the next feeding and how the baby first reacts when it is time for a feeding.  

  6. I love going out with my son.  We practice babywearing, so I just tie him onto me.  No worries about having space for a stroller!  We've actually never used one, and he's 8 months already.  Also, I'm nursing, so no bottles to lug around.  Just a small bag for his diapers, and off we zip.

    I like taking my son in public, I think people need to see parenting as a natural thing.

  7. We are careful to go when he's not a crab, antsy, upset, etc.  We take our son everywhere with us, but schedule our activies around his schedule.  

    When we go out, we will intentionally ask to be seated away from other people if it looks like they are about to pop us in the middle of a really crowded area.  

    If he acts up, we calm him down, play with him or else leave if we absolutely have to.  We try our very best to be considerate and if he's too disruptive we leave so as not to ruin everyone else's meals, but at the same time, we hope that other people understand that he's a baby and will make some noise (such as a consistent "hrrr-ummm" sound while he's eating, if the food is good).  

    Most people are perfectly fine with it.  We don't worry too much about it.  

  8. well, she;'s 4 now, but another on the way so....

    wider aisles, please! somewhere to put the d**n pushchair.....

  9. it really depends. is there enough space for the pram, is there a decent baby change? i went to a place recently the baby change was a mat on the floor of the disabled toilet! as long as my baby is not screaming i don't feel embarrassed and therefore don't care if i am welcomed or not.  

  10. OMG, how anti children are the majority of shops and cafes, I can barely fit my twins buggy in the door, the funny thing is the worst offenders are shops specifically aimed at parents, i.e toy shops and baby shops, and WHY, WHY do kids clothes always have to be put on upper levels????  

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