
As a north american traveling in Europe, how do I avoid looking like a tourist?

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As a north american traveling in Europe, how do I avoid looking like a tourist?




  1. try to avoid using a map as much as possible!

    Dont wear a waist bag to keep money in, you can spot a tourist right away with one of these!

    When you arrive in your destination, look at what others are wearing and try to copy, nnot completely, but look at their style for help!

    Have Fun!

  2. Really you are going to stick out as soon as you open your mouth and speak, lol. There is no way around looking like a tourist in europe if you are from america. But as an American living in Denmark, I will try to give you a few tips on traveling. (I have been to Sweden, Denmark, England, and France).

    1. Please do not plaster yourself with american (or even canadian) flags.

    2. Respect rules of cell phone etiquette (use your phone outside, and keep it on a quiet ring).

    3. Try to learn some of the language wherever you are going, even if it just a simple hello, thank you, or excuse me. A very good one is to learn "I'm sorry, but do you speak english?" (People will appreciate you trying to speak their language and not just assuming you want them to speak english automatically).

    4. Try to pay for things with a credit card. Most travel spots will take Visa or Mastercard. Never flash money around or you will be a sure target for pickpocketing.

    5. If you are taking pictures, make sure that you are allowed to bring your camera into places like museums or other tourist spots.

    It also helps if you have someone in Europe that you know who can show you around. A person native to the places you are going will be able to show you things that most tourists never see =). Good luck and have fun, and always remember being polite can get you a long way ^_^!

    Edit: By the way, I have never once lied about my nationality while I was traveling, and have never been met with anything but kindness and smiles. Most europeans that say they hate americans have actually never even met one before. And as soon as they meet one, they usually change their minds rather quickly. That is what happened when I moved to Denmark.

  3. But you are a tourist? I would say don't go wearing the red white and blue lol and stay away from Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts ? lol

    Good luck

  4. you can't help but look like a tourist because you are going to be rubber necking at all the sights and taking pictures of everything that moves or looks old.  When I travel back there I take lots of photos and hang out at tourist sites even though I sound like a native, at times you have to release your inner geek and just enjoy the moment.

    One of the things I've found useful is always start with "I'm a Canadian tourist...."  and if someone asks "Oh are you American?" always deny it strongly even if you ar!  My uncle told my partner that she sounds like an American I had to tell her that it wasn't a complement.  Also try to use the local currency don't try to spend your American dollars and one last thing is when travelling in Europe you will be in different countries try to respect the differences between them and us.

    Have a good trip and safe home

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