
As a paranormal investigator have you come across demons?

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As a paranormal investigator have you come across demons?




  1. Yes, unfortunately. One fellow identified himself as the 'king of h**l' (nicely dressed in a business suit), and during our meeting performed all sorts of manifestations, levitation, etc, then sank into the ground. He knew I was a Christian,(!) and wouldn't deal with me--he was intent on my companion who I hadn't known WASN'T a Christian.

  2. Yes and its not a nice experience.

  3. Yes, actually.  My last boyfriend.

    I had just finished a coarse in parapsychology that had connected me to my higher self.  Now that I had this helper, things were meant to get better for me.  He (my higher self) actually told me he was here to help me.

    He must of left for a long vacation because upon completing the coarse I started dating the devil.  Of coarse being the cunning calculating monster the devil is he posed as a beautiful sensitive man.  That is until he moved in with me and thats when the torture began.  A year of h**l, but with the help of an angel (my dad), I got the hideous creature out of there.

  4. yah, theres a few living in me. thankfully now that i know their here i can charge rent..


  5. No.  I have come across some ghosts in a bad mood though. I was up one night at the murder site of Pretty Boy Floyd, taking pictures and doing some EVP work.  One of the recording we did scared us so bad, we did not go back up there for a month.  Some poor ghost ranted and raved about being on top of the car and then said "I am going to get you.  I am going to get you.  I'm not going to get to. I can not wait."

    Later, I talked to a ghost hunter named Ron who told me that the closer Mr. Floyd gets to the anniversary of his death the more crazy and upset he gets.  He said it was probably just Mr. Floyd since the date we were there was September 9.  Other than this one, all the encounters with the paranormal my group has had have been great.

  6. Yes, more than once. We were actually chased off a site by one. There's one we know of who's very powerful, but we've also seen and felt his "boss", for lack of a better term, who makes him look like a 90 lb weakling. The first has manifested several times, possessed a friend of mine, and has tried repeatedly to hurt us. He hasn't managed any serious damage yet, but we're always on the lookout for him. It's getting harder to do so, though, because he keeps changing forms.

    We've tried sending him back but we don't have the right people, namely the ones who let him out in the first place.

    Some of the ones we come across are actually just very restless spirits in a VERY bad mood, but nothing serious has occurred yet. Knock on wood for all us paranormal investigators out there!

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