
As a parent, are you prepared for your child to grow up in an age of internet pornography?

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will you be ready to accept the presumption that your child will most likely view pornography at a much younger age then you first did because of this?




  1. It's perfectly possible to use the internet without looking at p**n.

    Has my child ever encountered p**n? I neither know nor care, though I do know she doesn't look at it at home because I monitor her computer use. All I know is that at twelve she has a normal pre-pubescent "eww" reaction to s*x. That's good enough for me.

  2. My best friend (a male) came to my house one afternoon after our year 7 classes had finished for the day, and showed me some p**n site. I wasn't particularly impressed, and remained unimpressed throughout the next few years. We're now 21, and he still comes over to my house to look up (soft) p**n. I don't care, to be honest, and my main concern about my kids would be that I want their s*x education coming from their father and myself, with a strong tie to God (hey, it didn't always work for us, but it's a family tradition). And definitely NOT before the age of sexual consent. Not in my house, at any rate.

    Although I do hope for them to be able to be open with me. "Mum, I saw this stupid website at Jack's house..." and be able to feed the right kind of attitude and info into them.

    Sure, it makes it more challenging, but growing up with the internet, I'd say I can handle it. And the appropriate filters =)

  3. I am the parent of a 17 year old son, and I still dont let him use the internet without supervision.  The computer is set up in the dining room, where i can see it from the lounge and kitchen.  I did catch him once looking at some, and banned him from using the computer for one month.

    I know he can see it at his friends house - but not at my home.

    p**n gives children unrealistic views on s*x.

  4. Yes the Kids will be facing things that were not so available when We were young.

    What to do about it, ?

    I think You have to have a relationship with them , that allows You to have a good idea what sites they are going to, and Hope that You have given them a good grounding, with Your Love and teaching, so much so that Your child will look, and treat it for what it is , p**n, and get on with their Lives.

    We will always worry, But we must trust them, and be there if perchance they fall, or start heading in the wrong direction, and lift them back up lovingly, and set them back on track.

  5. ready or not, we still need to be responsible in taking care of our children.  we may not be on their side 24/7 but it still pays to give them advanced precautions on things like pornography and other filthy things around them.  

    just be an example to your children.  let them know what's wrong or right.  

  6. Sure :)  Nothing wrong with p**n :)  Maybe the next generation won't be as sexually repressed :)

  7. Yes.  But I also intend to keep the computer with the internet in the living room where EVERYONE else is.  So if they want to look up p**n they are going to have to do so in front of their parents.  Hopefully that will deter them at least somewhat.

  8. I will get my fiance to put a blocker on it or something when our kids are old enough to use the computer  

  9. The way I see it, if children are raised with the right information, and sexual values, then pornography loses its "sparkle", and becomes part of a healthy adult relationship later on down the track.

    If a parent is worried about internet p**n, set up the computer in a public space (the lounge, dining room, anywhere else that gets a high volume of traffic) install "net nanny" or any of those other filtering programs, and password protect your computer to stop the access in the first place.

    Just my two cents!

  10. Why assume they will? Children will view online what you let them, if you are doing your parenting job properly! Assuming they will look at p**n just because it is accessible is ridiculous. There are plenty of worse things out there that are accessible that i'd be far more worried about.

    However, when my children are old enough to be looking on the internet without me present (we're talking over 16, which is the age of consent in the UK by the way), if they feel they should look at p**n then why not? If it is legal and consentual then what's the problem? How is it any different from them buying a p**n mag?  

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