
As a parent, what can I do to improve my 4-year-old son's social skills with other kids?

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He is an only child and doesn't have any other kids around his age nearby. Also, we are enrolling him in a small preschool group in hopes this will help him. Any tips will be greatly appreciate! :-)




  1. Enrolling him in preschool will help.  Also having play dates with other mothers, getting to the park with other children, etc.

    If you sit and play with him as well, so that he can model your behavior.  You can role-play with him, teach him how to share etc.

  2. I suggest you to get him into more kid friendly programs. it could help him socialize with other children! get him signed up for play groups and tell him to talk to the kids around him. You could also join the play group for a single day and help him make friends.  

  3. the preschool will provide all he needs. His own peer group will do wonders for him, my eldest was an only child for 4 years and his social skills were awful. hes 7 now and would chat away to anyone, adults and children alike.

    Just be prepared for him to find it a little strange when he first starts, he my regress a little whether it be with using the toilet or hitting out at other kids.  But it will pass and he will end up having great fun with his new friends

  4. Enrolling him in preschool will definitely help.  You can also look for groups like Kindermusik, or pee wee baseball that you can sign up for.  These groups are great for meeting other moms too.  

  5. my 1 year old LOVES daycare & since shes an only child I can tell sometimes when shes home for the weekend she gets a little bored with just mommy & daddy

    I would defineatly do the daycare & also maybe a karate class or tumbling class, dance (yes I know hes a boy but why not!?)  

  6. Sounds like you're already taking the right steps!  Any kind of social involvement where your child can interact with other kids his age is more beneficial than anything else you can do for him.

    We are in a similar situation as you are with our two year old daughter. Rural environment, no one else around with kids...  So long story short, we take her to an at home day care, which is more like a "paid play date". We searched high and low and finally came across this awesome mom with two girls right around the same age our daughter. The girls hit it off, and play so well together, the plus side is since I'm the one at home during the day, I get a lot more done without chasing after a toddler that seems to get into something every other second!

    Even if paying someone isn't an option for you, any social networking you can do for him is essential. Visit the play ground more often, even going to McDonalds and letting him run around with some other kids in the play place. These are obviously short term relationships, but it's something. Even finding some kid oriented activities around your community is great, soccer, little league, swimming... It's out there, its up to you to do it!  Good luck.

  7. Enrolling him in pre-school with definitely help.  Have you considering enrolling him in a sport?  Soccer or t-ball are great, and help develop coordination as well as social skills.  It also helps you to meet other mothers.    

    Also, try joining a playgroup (you can find them through Yahoo groups).  

    Good Luck!

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