
As a parent do u think your child have more common sense than u? meaning they know more than u think? do u?

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think u can learn from your children than the other way around? do u think that's possible




  1. My kids have taught me a lot. Not intentionally, though.

    I don't doubt that kids know more than we think, but considering my 4 year old still thinks he can lie to me and I won't find out, or that I won't *notice* when he takes a toy from his sister, shows he hasn't yet developed common sense.

  2. My mom always goes on about how smart I am. Sometimes she says that I'm smarter than she is. I disagree. My mom is absolutely brilliant. I like to think we're about equal in that department, but that might be wishful thinking.

    My mom always tells me that I am very wise, and that she learns things from me everyday, both as far as plain factual information, and also wisdom and common sense. I do think that I am a very mature, thoughtful, and "wise" kind of person.

    I'm sure plenty of people will say, "Oh that's just because you're a teenager, you think you know everything," but that's not true. I know that there are a lot of things that I don't know or understand, I just happen to also be aware that just because I am young doesn't mean that I have nothing to offer.

    I think that there are plenty of kids who are very wise and practical, just as there are many adults who are not. Age has less to do with this than a willingness to learn. I don't think that there is a single person, young or old, who has nothing to teach us.

    I think it's silly to ignore the thoughts and opinions of another person, or to brush them off as useless simply because of their age. The minute we decide that we have nothing more to learn from someone is the moment that we close off an opportunity for learning.

    I try to approach things with an open mind, understanding that everyone has something to offer, so long as I am open to hearing what they are saying, and am willing to learn from their triumphs as well as their mistakes.

    I do not believe that parents are automatically wiser or more intelligent than their children. There are, after all, plenty of foolish adults out there. All the same, I think that a wise child will admit that there is probably much to be learned from their parents. I know that my parents have taught me many of the more important things that I know, and I like to think that I have taught them a few things as well.

    This whole response came out rather pretentious sounding. Sorry about that, but I think if you can get past that there are some good thoughts contained in it.

  3. I think that parents know more then our kids but we still can learn from them and they will learn from us. Some kids don't have common sense so its hard to say but not all kids some don't but they will learn from there mistake and hopefully. My son right now 13 and smarter then some parents i see on tv like Dr.Phil. Have you seen todays epidsode wow it was the pathological lier and he still don't admit that he lied to dr phil whats up with that? wow kinda getting off topic.

  4. yeah i think

    it is possible because

    some parents totally think

    kids are stupid and dont respect

    childrens ideas and i really think some

    children actually have good ideas so we

    should start listining to them and start using

    some of their ideas because they might be right

    you never know.

  5. there is no actual comparison/measurement charts for "common sense" b/w children & their parents. however, i believe if some parents dont know what they're doing yet their kids kinda having some bright lights or making better decisions on certain cases - then yes - it's possible that "your child have more common sense than u."

    in normal relationships, many children have learned fr. their parents and vice versa. it's a lifetime learning process whether u r a 99 year-young parent/child or not ;D

  6. No.  You are just a typical ignorant teenager who thinks she knows everything.

    No one on the face of this planet has ever said, "I wish I could go back to being 15, when I had more wisdom."

  7. Yes, I do think kids can have better sense than their parents in some ways.  For instance, my daughter is much more responsible with money than I am!  If I offer to buy her two pairs of shoes, she'll say, "That's okay, I only need one."  Or if I suggest getting her some earrings to match a new shirt, she'll say, "Let's see if I have some at home first."  Weird, isn't it?  Haha!  But I'm glad she's like that; she'll never end up with a bag full of frivilous stuff and an empty wallet, the way I sometimes do.

    Of course, in general, parents DO know a lot more than their kids, simply because we've been around longer.  There are many things in life that you can only learn through experience, through your own trial and error.  And parents can tell their kids stuff all they want, in hopes of saving them the trouble of learning the hard way, but kids often don't believe it until they experience it themselves.  Eventually, you realize that.  I don't know how many times I've thought, "Dang, my mom WAS right about that after all!"

  8. i'm 15 but here's my opinion.

    i think kids and adults have an equal amount of common sense but in different ways. sure, adults know things from their life and experience but kids also know things from growing up and their own experiences

  9. Well am not a parent am a teenager but i think my answer still counts. Well for the most part parents are wiser and sometimes know the outcome of situations simply because they have been in them. But then at the same time every situation doesnt have the same outcome.But for the most part we know what we're doing and have enough common sense , sometimes we just ignore the the consequences in the name of "fun". Yes parents can learn from kids because my dad tries to talk to me about high school an college and me and the rest of my family  know that i  am on the right path and i know more than he even does. For the most part i think parents do because there were times  i messed up and said d**n i should've listened but then there are times where i was just flat out right. But for the most part parents usually correct and have the right approach. And just because your the parent doesnt mean you cant learn from your kids. It works both ways. for example when a mother has a first child she learns all she can simply because its in her nature and she basically uses the same approach on the second child,

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