
As a parent do you ever forget?

by Guest31931  |  earlier

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mildstones that your kids have done? My son is 4 and my daughter is 2 and I remember my daughter walking young..I always tell people she started walking at 9 months but today when I was looking at old movies of the kids...the girl was WALKING at 7 months...and running like the maniac that she is at 9 months! I almost choked on my coffee that I was drinking lol It almost made me teary eyed to see my babies little again...but I just thought it was weird that in my head I am thinking 9 months and she actually was walking before then...???? and she is 2 now and still as wild and into everything as she was back then! Will she be this active when she is older? In the womb she was a fighter as well! You could actually see her foot pop husband was so grossed out! He said it reminded him of the Freddy Kruger movie where all the dead people were popping out of his body lol




  1. I have three kids, and no, I do not remember all of their milestones exactly as they happened.  I know who talked young, but not the exact age of their first sentence, I know who walked late, but again, not the exact age.  Be grateful that you have the home movies so that you can go back in time.

  2. After a while, memories fade. Use a baby book to record these things.

  3. I forget alot of my son's milestones too (he's three). Thank GOD for baby books!

  4. I right them down in her baby book as they happen because I always want to remember and if I count on my memory it will never happen..I have a HORRIBLE memory ha ha.

  5. oh thank God I am not the only one I thought it was just me hehhehehehe  . I am normal lol

  6. ha to remember every little thing would be insane. dont sweat it :] thats why video recoders and baby books were made!! keep your child active and she will remain active. good luck with your kids!  

  7. I don't know how long I have gone around thinking my fourteen year old child weighed 8 pds 12 ounces. Recently I came across an information card that was in his bed in the hospital when he was born and he weighed 8 pds 11 ounces. It is funny how one ounce on his weight made me feel like i had early altziemers. Children sure can turn your brain into silly putty.

  8. I was just thinking about it this morning. i was trying to remember my daughters first word and I couldn't. Thank goodness I'm not the only one he he. I think with this baby I'm going to write things down.  

  9. I remember all of their milestones, but the details are always vague.  I can remember when my daughter finally got her first tooth (much later than her older brother), but I can't remember the exact date.  I just remember that it was right around her first birthday.

  10. Just wait until they get older! My girls are 15 & 16; I can remember everything about them being babies but.... sometimes I do get confused which one did what first. The best thing I found was to write it all down in a journal!

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