
As a parent would you allow your child to compete in the olympics?

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if you watch the girls gymnastics the girls are wrapping ankles, wrists and one girl even has a back injury. they seem to wrecking their bodies and they are so young. what would compel a parent to allow this?




  1. If it was my child's dream, I would support it 100%.  Also, once they make it to Olympic level you're pretty much used to those injuries and such. Most little girls with a real future in gymnastics started when they were 3 or 4.

  2. It's a hard one, on the one hand you are worried about injuries, public scrutiny and disapointment if they dont win but on the other hand imagine the amazing feeling of saying you competing in an olympic games with billions of people watching you and cheering for you.

  3. as a former gymnast, i know your concern. my mum begged me for a solid year for me to quit and i did. once she told me the financial cost of being injured all the time, made my decision easier.

    it's not easy being a gymnast but it's like smoking - you can't make them quit, they have to do it on their own.

  4. You are willing also to reck your child's dream?

  5. Gymnastics is a competitive and injury prone sport, but try to name a sport thats not injury prone and some what dangerous.

    Trust me when i say that If you kid was good enough to be an olympian but you refused to let them compete they would never forgive you and possibably hat you for the rest of your life!

  6. Not that young. what good that she participates when she is twelve when she is a physical wreck at 14?

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