
As a parents what issue do you believe it is important for education?

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Do you believe taks test is good for the children or not and why ?if you can ask the Govt. directly what do you request from the them regarding the education issues. Thanks




  1. Fund the programs you want so much. Just heard that there is no more funding for tutoring for kids to pass the state standards tests required for graduation, what's up with that?

    Why is there no mandatory summer school when kids fail? Most of my friends, teachers, seek summer employment anyway.

    Why are there so many poor science and social studies teachers out there? Why is the curriculum, now mandated by the state, so antiquated that modern kids can't relate?

  2. I agree with Raina, I was going to say the same thing. People don't know just how bad NCLB is, it is turning the future of our country (the present students) Into communism.

  3. I would request that we eliminate the completely useless "No Child Left Behind Act" , stop teaching students how standardized tests, and start teaching them useful skills (beyond just emphasizing reading and math...)

    I would request that they stop "full inclusion" classes, and go back to academic tracking (smart kids in accelerated classes, average kids in average classes, slower kids in remedial classes).

    I would request that they force schools to stop passing students to the next grade just even though they haven't mastered the material for the previous year.

    And finally, I would request that teachers get paid what they're worth, for once.

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