
As a photographer, what is your dream?

by  |  earlier

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What are your short-term goals, long-term goals, desires?

Also, are you a professional, amateur, hobbyist? How long have you been doing serious photography (snap shots of your friends and family don't count)?




  1. My goal is to produce picture that will wow viewers.  However, I keep my full time job and make no illusions of making a living out of my pictures even though people pay for some of my work.

    I guess is a rather expensive, yet rewarding, hobby or second job

  2. I would love to own a studio one day! I also want to shoot a celebrity someday... in the studio, not as a paparatzi... with a camera, LOL! Right now, I'm studying photography at the Art Institute. I have a little less than 2 more years of school left. I am also interning for a wedding photographer.  

  3. To document the unusual and to explore the stories behind alternate perspectives.

  4. visit our bookstore for photography resources  

  5. short term, i'd like to get some more jobs over the next few months.

    long term, i want to be a Warped Tour photographer. one that actually goes on tour the whole time. i'm one step towards that already, and recieved a photo pass for my local date. haha. :]

    i'd say i'm amateur. even though i have made some money for my work, it's nothing serious. i just like to help out local bands.

    i've been doing serious photography for aboutttt 3 months now. sounds ridiculous, but i learn quickly.

    here's my flickr!

  6. i am to one day travel the world and document the lives of other people. i have done serious photography since i started a photography darkroom class in the mere 5th grade, im a hobbyist.

  7. I don't think i could ever be a pro, but if i was i'd like to do fashion or glamour for magazines like vogue or elle. Hah, but that's just a dream. Short term, I just want to learn more since i just started.

    It's really just a hobby to me to do when i'm bored, and I started to get into photography around the beginning of august? So still learning alot

    here's some of my pictures?

    you can kind of see me advancing and learning from the most recent ones. :DD

  8. i want to do many things in life and I'm not quite sure of what to do but for my short term goal would be to be a professional photographer for a fashion magazine or something like that.

  9. Short term, I would like to shoot more and master a new lens. Long-term, I would love gallery representation and being financially successful (i.e. comfortably pay my bills). I would say that two years ago, I didn't have a clue. Now I am quite average but improving.

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