
As a server, what is the best way to get tips?

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As a server, what is the best way to get tips?




  1. Make sure your customers needs are tended to. Don't let emotion get into your work because people might disappoint you and it could lead you to get fired.

    Check on your customers more often than your co-workers would. See what your co-workers lack and use it to your advantage against them in serving people professionaly. Professionalism is an old fashioned trend. We live in a time where co-workers intermingle too much, multi-task and stuff...

  2. Think of it this way,  customers are your bread and butter and giving them the respect they deserve with added politeness and pleasantness definitely makes it imperative for me to tell my husband a "BIG"  tip is a MUST!

    I am sure there have been numerous times when we felt servers were doing us a great favor getting our orders, more so, serving us.

    We for one, never go back to a specific outlet where we've encountered lousy service.  We might try another branch of the same if it was a chain but never to the same one where we had lousy service!

    And on the contrary, stellar service will always make us, customers, return!

  3. if you, yourself went to a nice restaurant to spend your hard earned money, what would you expect out of your waiter/waitress? now do even more for your customers...... and don't wait until they have a bite of food in their mouth to say can i get u anything else?!!!!!

  4. I have the prettiest smile and dimples I always make sure to flash it at customers.....and if it's a table of all guys well.....I have big b***s,sooooooooo whenever I go to refill their drinks I always make sure to reach over them to get it lol

  5. Write down the order. When I'm out with my parents they immediately get mad when the waiter takes an order and doesn't write it down. Don't let the drinks go empty, but at the same time make sure they want a refill. Have a pleasant conversation with them, but take hints from body language and such as to wether they want to talk with you or  not. (when you first get to your table don't try to have along convo. take orders and such and get right to it.)

    Check on them at least twice during a meal. When the food comes out don't immediately run away make sure they don't need anything and if they do, get it out fast. at the end. discreetly take plates away and offer to box up leftovers. When you drop off the check go away fast but and hurry to pick it up and get it rang up. Get back to the table drop it off and smile, thank them, tell them to come back soon, you can even tell them to ask for you if they were good customers. Just always be a people person and carry a smile. Leave your personal life at the door. The other day I was at a restaraunt and a waitress spoke for 5 minutes about her cold and how hectic her day had been, and how long she's blown her nose. It was awful!

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