
As a single mother i want to go to college. what kind of grants can i get i have no money to pay for college.

by Guest66617  |  earlier

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As a single mother i want to go to college. what kind of grants can i get i have no money to pay for college.




  1. Ya you have to fill out what the top 2 answers said.  When I was in college I got grants more grants and scholarships than I did loans which helped me out a lot.

    Unfortunatly grants are not given out like they used to be.  It is much harder to get a grant or a scholarship now a days.  They are even taken away some loans.

  2. go to the website for FAFSA you can get many grants like pell, hope, and etc..

  3. You will have to fill out a FAFSA to find out what you qualify for, based on income.

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