
As a small child in Kalamazoo Michigan I saw what I thought was a floating building. Could it have been a UFO?

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  1. By definition, a UFO is an "unidentified flying object".  So since it was flying and not identified, then yes it was a UFO.

    If by UFO you mean an alien spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrial intelligent beings, then the answer is no.  There is no proof or evidence that intelligent extraterrestrials exist on Earth.

    If you saw what looked like a floating building, that could have been a simple mirage.  A mirage is a naturally-occurring optical phenomenon, in which light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky.  People can see buildings, lakes, and other objects that aren't there but are refracted from distant locations.

  2. Ezekiel seen a similar craft just like you did read Ezekiel Ch.11:22-23.

  3. i am in GR, Mich and believe me... these people here are NUTS!  I don't know if its the air or the water or what, but they act like POD PEOPLE!

    (personally, I think its the inevitable result of having three times as many religious schools as real colleges.)

  4. Possibly? i had an experience about 13 years ago but it wasn't like a floating building. In my opinion nobody can say that we are alone as i think that there must be some other form of life out there somewhere.

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