
As a student, how can I help the government become an advocate of social justice?

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As a student, how can I help the government become an advocate of social justice?




  1. dont become a lawyer , try teacher, or case worker

  2. What type of 'social justice' are you advocating?  And is everybody going to agree with you that those measures are actually 'social justice?'

    Wouldn't it be more honest if you substituted "my political opinions" for the words: "social justice?"

  3. Little one,

    You look green.

    Have a teaspoonful of salt.

    It's good for you.

    Here's a guiding star "Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    Which does not change with time but stays in time.

    So stay back in school.

    And update your data bank.

    Before coming out to play a dirty old men's game.

    Let the dirty old men solve the mess they created in own backyards.

  4. The United States Government does not operate on a value system of "social Justice".. here, we expect people to work, and earn what they get, instead of expecting those of us who do work to give the freeloaders a ride on our backs. I hear France is looking for a few good socialists......

  5. Please define "Social Justice."

    Help the government to butt out of peoples lives and not try to be a safety net for the world of the lame minded who cannot plan for their future.  Capitalism is actually a great thing.  It rewards those who put forth effort and succeed.

    Ask yourself about basic social contracts and how they play in the ideal of law and order.  Then ask yourself where these social contracts begin (answer: at home).

    Ask yourself what makes one school better than another (hint: the teachers all go through the same basic program and must pass state exams, making their basic qualifications equal.  And the funding and administrations hold to the same basic standards.  So, could it be individual parenting as the chief culprit of inequality?

    I respectfully submit that as a student, you live in an artificial world known as academia.  Yours is an ideal world.  The rest of us live in an alternate paradigm known as reality.  Until you've lived in and REALLY seen our world, please, remain silent.  Those before you (the 1960s generation, protested the war in Vietnam as being unjust.  Infact, it was more like an inconvenience to them.  Their protests succeeded and we did eventually pull out.  The country of South Vietnam fell and millions of innocent men, women and children were tortured, slaughtered and enslaved.  All because some young idealists with nothing invested cried about a falsely perceived social injustice.  Today, they all live in a state of denial.  They were never directly responsible for all of those deaths...  Social injustice.

  6. move to Europe...they are socialist...we are individualists...let keep diversity alive...

  7. Study and issue or two that you think needs to be addressed and then try to find all laws and regulations about that issues then I say write letters to your Senators and Representatives at both the state and local level. Make them sound good I mean use real issues and give examples of what you are talking about and how you think they could fix the problems. That would be a good way.

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