
As a student what can you do to help prevent global warming?

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As a student what can you do to help prevent global warming?




  1. Nothing.  Listen carefully - you are not controlling the Earth's climate.  It's a lie.

    Follow the money of these immoral government scientists.  

    Most believable doomsday theory = funding for next year.

  2. Pour a bunch of iron in the ocean to promote algae growth, that'll cool down the already cooling Earth even faster. Despite the biased news stories, we're actually in a cooling trend, and anything about the ice melting, if you've noticed, is only done in summer on one side of a glacier. Global Warming is just a hoax promoted by Al Gore in order to make money off of the poor suckers.

  3. Avoid pot noodles, the methane they make you produce contributes to global warming.

  4. Plant a few trees, use less hair spray and deodorant, or use those with non-green-house-gas, use a bicycle instead of a car to go to the school, at the moment these came to my mind

  5. Realize that global warming is a made up issue and start educating your friends.

  6. nothing, since its a natural process.  you cant stop the inevitable.  there were 2 ice ages before and there were no human CO2 emissions then.

  7. nothing, people do not make global warming.  But that does not relieve you from being wasteful and doing other harm to the environment.  Take all the energy saving tips and use them, but do not spend money on scams that propose to save it if first have to pay a lot of money for the device. Things like PV panels cost more than they can save.

  8. Stop talking about it because it will happen anyway by nature; all persons do by talking about it is emit more carbon.

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