
As a teacher, how I am supposed to be able to pay to do my level 2 credential?

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I am a teacher in California. I have my Master's in special education as well as my Education Specialist credential that I completed in 2003. I have been teaching for over 7 years now. Last year I completed my reading specialist credential and I am an exam away from having my second Master's degree.

My parents and grants through the department at my university paid for most of my first Master's. I paid for most of the second one. My Education Specialist credential is about to expire and I want to renew it so that I can keep everything current. Doing that would require me to take 16 more units of courses. Each unit at Santa Clara University where I have completed all my other work costs over $400. This would cost me around $6,500 not including books and other expenses. I could do it at other universities that aren't much less expensive, but they are farther away and less convenient. And I've got a 1 year old son at home.

How am I going to pay for this????




  1. Have you checked into the new TEACH grant? I don't know a lot about it except many of my co-workers, teachers, are talking about trying to use it.

    try here

  2. get another job

  3. That sux.

    Even with an education, you still get screwed on the money side of it.

    Isn't it funny that they require you to keep renewing something that only makes that system money.

    OH well

    I saw talk to your employer and get them to pay for it.

    If that doesn't work, get them to let you do a fundraiser at school.

    They do them for d**n near everything else,

    I even got kids knocking on my door selling Light Bulbs from made by Blind people, Go figure that one out. How do they now if they work?

    Anyway, I think that a teachers education should be more just as important as raising money for kids to go to camp or whatever.

  4. there are loans.

    great that you are a teacher. my instrutors once tell me that you can only be the only one to stop yourself from your education.

    now i am on that stage and if cost alot.

    maybe save up this year and next year will be the fight against eduacation.

    thank u

  5. i will pay it for u with my pay pal credit card

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