
As a teen, if your younger sibling asked you about spirituality, what would you tell them?

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As suggested in some posts, I am not a perv. I'm a 15 year old female doing research for a book that I'm writing with my mom on teen spirituality.




  1. That they should not believe what everyone says and they should always seek the truth for themselves. They are individuals and if that truth is to believe or not to believe in a supernatural being at least they came to that conclusion on their own "free will" rather than being forced into that by their environment. Supposedly god believed in free will and so do I.

    (I am an atheist)

  2. I would tell them that God loves them!

  3. tell them. tell them about jesus and about how he died rose again and then went to heaven all for us they love hearing bible storys and about jesus and about what easter is if you need help just ask me!!  

  4. Call them stupid and ask why they would want to be deluded.  Tell them that religion is the cause of everything wrong in the world.  Make them fear and hate spirituality.  Make them feel inadequate and stupid if they even entertain the idea.

  5. It depends upon whether or not you Know anything about Spirituality. If not allow me to suggest a few points.

    At ones Core is a Soul.  Ones Soul is an aspect of God. And thus, the Soul and God are bonded to one another permanently.

    The purpose of Life is for the Soul to completely explore and experience all of Creation by being born in a new life after ending ones previous life The accumulated lives allow one to discover what Life is, and the Soul does this for God, who is Neutral Spiritual Energy, and thus an Absolute.

    When the Soul reaches a point that it has completed its work, God contacts the Soul and initiates it into a path that leads the Soul Home.


  6.   Tell them there is a creator God that He  is the God of all.. Read the conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch and you will be able to truthfully answer your siblings questions( and your own)   God bless

  7. I would tell them that my faith can not be placed into any religion, but that it is made up of the things that I see and feel. Spirituality has to do with what you yourself feel, not with what people from any religion tell you. Religion always includes dogma. Spirituality does not. You are free to choose your own path, and to sense your own truths.  

  8. You should tell them about God and moral value's you do not want them to grow up  to think that there is no hope no God ad turn into some who commit evil things.  

  9. Just like I'd tell anyone else who asked me.

    That would be "I don't believe in all of that stuff"

  10. I would say, you dumb-butt.  That's how they follow me. =D

  11. That I am not really spiritual but if you must ask should find your own spiritual path to find true happiness rather than following what is spoon-fed to you.

  12. Get them to read the bible, Quran etc.. then ask Him/Her if they still cared.....

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