
As a tourist, is the water ok to drink in Jamaica?

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As a tourist, is the water ok to drink in Jamaica?




  1. Well these people must have weak intestines as I drink only tap water and have never had any issue with it. My son also drank the water no problem, as did my fiance and my friends. No issues at all.. Only issues stomach wise was from drinking too much and eating more fruit than we normally do. Which by the way is fantastic.

    The water is NOT like DR, or Mexico. It does taste good and you can drink it straight from the tap unless you go to remote towns that have well water.

    It is purified in the tourist towns and non tourist towns, Negril, Mo Bay, Ocho Rios, etc..

    That is one of the main reason we go to Jamaica a few times a year is due to the fact that it does not cause issues to drink the water, eat ice cubes, veggies and fruits and brush your teeth with the water. I typically grab a Wata bottle to start then just refill with the tap..

    Ask on Trip Advisor,, or

    Good Luck!

  2. yes BUT please use bottle WATER

  3. Well i live here (in kingston) and the tap water is fine, no problems.  But there is always bottled water if u r not sure.

  4. drink only bottle water and i mean the guy said when u brush ur teeth u don't have to brush ur teeth in bottle water... yeah  i hope this help points please!!!!! hope u don't get scared of the  driving

  5. The water supply is safe but you would be better served to buy bottled water because you are not accustomed to the water there

  6. It depends on where you are are. Personally i dont drink piped water ANYWHERE. Its not a good habit for a traveller. There are too many impurities and variations in piped water in Jamaica, USA or anywhere else.

    In JAMAICA specifically, it varies TREMENDOUSLY so you have to ASK. Here is a breakdown,

    - Negril is notorious for having less than ideal water supply. The piping and water storage system hasnt been able to keep up with the growth.

    - Montego Bay varies tremendously based on the time of year and which hotel you are staying at. All hotels handle water differently.

    - Rural areas have many different water handling processes. It may be drinkable but to be safe, DON'T.

    - Most areas in kingston have clean water supply, but i prefer to filter it to remove chlorine and impurities.

    Most problems to do with water purity are related to breaches in the water distribution system caused by flooding or other natural disasters.

    The water quality isnt 'hazardous' in general, and certainly doesnt have problems like high lead content.

    If you used a simple water filter i would call it safe in 75% of communities in Jamaica EXCEPT after major flooding or a hurricane.

    Perhaps ONCE per year i have no other water to drink and have tap water. It doesnt make me sick, it just tastes odd.

  7. No since u are a tourist drink bottled water but u dont have to btush ur teeth with it.

  8. well, im from america and when i went to Jamaica we only drank botteled water. The water in the caribean is not purified the same as it is here, so it gives you the runs.

    no lie.

    it happened to my friend Billy.

    p.s. there ice cubes r made of THEIR water, so i wouldn't get 'em. &&&&&& use bottled water when you brush ur teeth.

    Hope i helped.. Vote 4 me! haha =]

    points please!

  9. I went to Ocho Rios about 1-1/2 years ago, stayed at a middle-class little hotel on the beach, and drank from the tap the entire time I was there. Everything irie. No problems whatsoever, mon.

  10. Well we went to Jamaica and my family had everything planned out and bottled water was bought. One day we ran out of water and my little sister decided she was going to drink someof the water from the pipe instead of telling my mom the water was done so she could go to the store down the road to get some water bottles. My sister had the runs real bad for that day and part of the next. Its okay to drink the water if you're use to it cuz my cousins live there and were fine with the water, but my sister wasn't so she got the runs real bad. BUY BOTTLED WATER!!!!!

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