
As a tribute to the late Diana, Princess of Wales, could we all please...?

by Guest62135  |  earlier

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...agree to wear our seatbelts and never be chauffeured by drunk drivers?

Thank you.




  1. Agreed.  Even better, let's resolve not to drive drunk ourselves...

    I have a poster I made for myself, it says "Well behaved women rarely make history..."  It features a number of photos of women who weren't considered "well behaved" by thier peers, but who made a real impact on thier world.  One of the photos on the poster is of Princess Diana doing charitable work at a site where there were people harmed by landmines that were left behind.  She was known best for her caring, the best tribute that anyone can leave for her, is to care for others, I think.... It doesn't have to be a huge deal, we can care for others in small ways on a daily basis...

  2. the princess did NOT get in a car with a drunk driver.

    if he was drunk as he was supposed to have been he uwd not have been able to walk.the blood samples were switched

  3. Since I 'm never chauffeured, the last part of this plea is easy to observe.  Closer to home, I know of several instances where a drunken driver killed himself and his passengers much to the continuing grief of their families.

    Don't Parisian police ticket drivers where the driver and passengers aren't wearing their seat belts?

  4. Works for me.

  5. Why does it have to be done as a tribute to her?

    Can`t we just do it for ourselves?

  6. I always wear my seatbelt and never get in a car driven by drunk drivers - unlike Diana.

    I do not think she deserves a "tribute" since she acted recklessly and paid the price.  Interesting to note that everyone in that nasty accident who was wearing a seatbelt survived (despite the incredible damage to the vehicle).

  7. we can do it as a safety precaution for OUR own safety not as a tribute to someone who died ten years ago.

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