
As a u.s.citzen, would i be imprisoned for?

by  |  earlier

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not paying the percentage of my taxes that goes toward the assistance that is being stolen by illegals from our welfare, medical and school systems?




  1. Of course you would. Don't you know that the criminals hopping our border and killing our citizens are more deserving of your hard earned money than you? Jeez!

  2. yes of course you would dumbass

  3. Probably, and those fines are very, very expensive to boot.

  4. yes you would they get their money or you go to jail.

  5. yep...and as much as I understand where you are coming from, don't do it cuz mine will go up!!  It's only okay for the illegals to get paid under the table w/ no taxes taken out, all while drawing welfare and other govt handouts..duh!

  6. No, but you will have to show exactly which part of your taxes is going to illegals.  You can deduct it as a charitable contribution.

  7. You don't choose what taxes you pay for.

  8. yep

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