
As a vegan, how far do you take insect rights into consideration?

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I just got this e-mail from peta this morning and am wondering what your opinions are. It's about insect rights. I understand that this is pretty brutal because they are stuffing them into small bags and selling them, but I guess I am asking how far each of you take insect rights into consideration?

For me, Its an ongoing battle of whether or not I have the right to kill a bug in my house. I mean, I know I can't let them infest my house but I don't know any humane way to even get rid of or prevent things such as fleas...

but seriously, how far do you take this? Everyday you walk or dirve and it is inevitable that you will kill bugs (step on them or drive into them) Where is the line?





  1. As a vegan, my goal is to help ease suffering by not supporting industries that, in my view, exploit aninmals. However, this beleif is not something I would like to impose on others nor is it something that I expect everybody to understand or follow.  

    If the choice is to kill an iesect or allow it to infect or infest my home, my choice would be obvious. If there was an o[tion not to kill them, then that would be the choice. But if there isn't anyway to remove them safely, withpout killing them, then so be it.

  2. I got the same e-mail.  I think that it's wrong to sell the bugs if the workers are not willing to make sure they don't die from the heat.  I am not really for them selling the little creatures, but if they have to sell them I think they should take responsibility for them.

    I myself won't kill spiders.  My husband takes them outside.  He even catches flies and sets them free.

  3. I use the electronic thingies in each room, that emit waves that keep rodents and some bugs away .....  Avon's Skin So Soft will keep ants and other bugs away (Avon does NOT animal test);  You can put it in the tracks of your windows, or rub wherever you have ants with a paper towel .....Spraying Listerine will keep bugs away, as will citronella candles.......  The trick is to keep them away, and then you won't have to kill them!

  4. Well, I think about it, but walking down the street there's not much I can do about stepping on bugs and insects that I don't see underfoot etc.  But as far as breeding them, experimenting on them, genetically modifying them etc., I'm inclined to be against it.

  5. I don't put a value on any life form by how big they are. To me, an ant's life is just as precious and significant as an elephant's. I never kill spiders and ants in my house. My family laughs at me when I defend an insect they're trying to smash, but I don't care because I'm saving a life.

    People should respect people who try to save insects. It shows that they have big hearts and their respect for life is tremendous.

    I do think it's just ridiculous and shallow-minded when people laugh at someone for saving an animal, whether that animal is a spider or a whale.

  6. If  I have fleas in my home, they gotta go..plain and simple.  I'll be thrilled to kill very single one of them.  We had a infestation once and my whole family was bitten head to toe.  The suffering was unspeakable.  I'll also squash poisonous spiders and ticks.  I try to get any other insect outdoors if at all possible if they are stuck inside.

  7. Vegan or not vegan, in general, it's best to tread lightly on the planet.  Every time you cause a death of anything, it does something to your heart.

    I use incense to get rid of bugs.  Light a whole bunch of sticks and clothes the doors.

  8. well, personally i view insects not much different than germs.  the reason for Home Depot to sell them is to use them for organically controlling insects and reducing pesticides, which i would think in the long run, would be more beneficial for a Vegan.

    heavy use of pesticides can cause sickness, malformation and death to wild and domestic animals and even people, which in my view is worse than bags of bugs.

    what i would like to know, if vegans are against these insects being sold and harmed... what do they do with misquitos,  wood ticks,  leeches, headlice, or any other harmful parasites?

  9. I killed a fly about 6 months ago out of mercy (he couldn't fly and was stranded on a table in my staff room).

    I often try to save spiders (arachnids, I know) from dangerous places where humans are likely to squash them.

    I would never "swat" an insect or spray "repellent".

    My dog bit a bee the other day and I was pretty upset.

    I live in the UK and there aren't many insects most of the year, so I would like to hope that there are not many that get in the way when I am driving.

    I think I take them into consideration quite a bit.

  10. mandi, i dont think its right for you to be saying PETA is ridiculous. but you have your own opinion. whats ridiculous is how people treat animals.

    but as for the question, i dont think we can help it if we harm insects because some are too small to see and we might step on them, etc. im a vegetarian but as far as the insect things, i dont think its right how companies treat them.

  11. Misquitoes, ticks, and mites don't have the right to suck your blood.  They are parasites.  It becomes an issue of natural selection and survival of the fittest at that point.  As for house insects, slugs, wasps, bees etc.  I don't kill them.  Wasps and bees just want to be left alone to do their thing.  They will fly out of a window given an oppurtunity.  Ants can be attracted into a cup of sugar and released.  Termites and roaches should never be an issue. A house should be treated before it is inhabited so that you don't get an infestation.  Keeping a place clean minimizes one having to deal with these dilemnas.  I also heard a commercial on the radio about pest companies using frequency waves to drive pest out of a house rather then leaving nasty pesticides to do the trick.

    Enrich your blood with vitamin b. or put on Alpha- Keri lotion and it will help repel misquitoes.  The line is self-preservation. Protect you and your kids from diseases and hosts.  Don't kill  if it's not immediately threatening to life and health.

  12. I think it is sad that these little creatures are being held captive in bags, to be sold to humans, for whatever they please.

    As for how far do you take this personally? With me, I will not intentionally kill any bug, insect, animal or any living being, including mosquitos. Yet, sometimes it is unavoidable. Like driving down the highway for instance, bugs will hit the windshield. Or walking in the woods, some ants may get squished. So for me, I won't *intentionally* kill anything, but I don't want to go to extremes about it either.

    There has been one time recently though that really called this into question for me. I was backpacking around on a trip in the far Canadian north. I found a bed bug on my bag at the end of my trip. I'm not going to let them multiply and drive me to madness with endless bites (and sickness from the bites) in the night. Or have them multiply so that they eventually get sprayed by someone else in larger numbers or infest other people's apartments at home. So I took my bag and washed all my clothes in hot water with a hot drier and treated my bag. It was intentional, but sometimes what can you do?

    I see it as what is most important is your intention and volition. And if you do have to kill, then do it with love.

    As for Mandi K, sure it is easy to have that opinion that all these creatures are here for your pleasure, especially being at the top of the food chain. But think, if you were on an extended backcountry camping trip, and were being stalked for food by a hungry animal, such as a bear or cougar, for hours or days. After experiencing the intense fear and terror, I think you may change your point of view on the subject.

  13. I'm a "catch and release" type of gal, myself. If I see a spider, I will totally capture it and put it outside. As long as the bug will not or does not harm me, I will not kill it.

    On the other hand, if fleas are involved, I would kill them as they could make my kitty very sick. Any other insect that might put our health at risk is subject to a speedy, humane death.

    You're right - at times its inevitable to kill a bug when we walk and drive. I simply try to do the best I can, as I will never go out of my way to kill insects.

  14. Why would you hesitate to kill something that sucks your blood and spreads disease?

    If people want to buy insects, they should have to get them directly from a supplier.

  15. God put animals on this earth for us to eat!  To give us nutrients.  Do PETA people think its wrong for animals to eat other animals???  PETA is ridiculous.

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