
As a white person are you annoyed at how blacks are taking over the identity of America?

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Before you think this is a racist rant consider this:

Miss America is black, Obama who may be president, almost the entire NBA, Almost all of the summer Olympians, a lot of the music we here, more and morecommericials, news anchors and television personalities etc..Now these things on it's own isn't really the problem it is the small % of Americans that are black, Why is a majority white country getting represented by the minority?




  1. Why not?   Maybe they can do a GOOD job.

  2. LOL! Whites haven't been the majority for almost a decade...

    Open your mind before u let ur self drowned in it.

  3. Well,

    Seeing as how this is a nation of immigrants, I think it's great that we're represented by people of multiple ethnicities. As far as Olympians go, African Americans are just typically better athletes (though not in all sports) than Caucasians. Why shouldn't we be represented by the best athletes we have?  Also, Miss America is NOT black. She's white. I've attached her bio page, as well as the bio page from the Miss America before her.

    So, no. I'm not annoyed that our country is being represented by minorities. We're a country of mixed people, and the world deserves to know that. It's really part of what makes our nation so great!

  4. You are right, blacks are indeed the identity of America. I'd like to see a few more Chinese in there. Why not them?

  5. I'm not annoyed at all.  I'm colorblind.

  6. Any black person who has achieved something due to their hard work deserves it just as much as anyone else. My only gripe is that I see a big decline in respect in the African community. Many blacks seem to take freedoms for granted that their ancestors worked so hard for. Destruction of public property and elevated violence grows everyday in Many Africans communities.

  7. I've always had a problem with it. But believe it or not,  TV, sports, and the media are NOT America. As to why, you can thank liberals who control the majority of the media.

  8. colors do not matter bush is white and he is responsible for killing thousands better to have a peace loving colored than a red neck white murderer grow up we are all human beings apart from the jews.

  9. Not really. Then again, I'm English.

  10. They didn't swim over here.  You can thank your Caucasian ancestors who stole this country from Native American Indians.  It's not blacks faults that they are better athletes and becoming more and more educated.  We are a country of diverse people.  Get over it!  This country would not be what it is today if it weren't for the blood, sweat and tears of blacks building the Industrial South.  Study some History instead of complaining.  And it was a racist rant.

  11. haha yeah the white people are the "******" now lol.

  12. Well I'm white  and I think its awesome that African-Americans are doing what they want.  They have come a long way since the days when we used them as slaves.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with African-Americans running for president or being in the Olympics, they are people, just like you and me.

  13. The loudest cries gets the milk.  I could not agree with you more.  America will be a different country 10-20 years from now.

  14. I am a white person in Great Britain. We are already overrun with blacks and Asians, all of whom have a chip on their shoulder, and demand the largest slice of the cake before they've earned anything. When we watch the local news it is nothing but black and Asian. Any foreigner watching would think that UK is a black Asian country, I am afraid trouble is simmering just below the surface. It will erupt like a volcano.

    You must realise that your blacks were dragged to you country. ours flood in of their own free will.

  15. America is found by foreigners. The first white people to US came for Europe, so the basis of American success is foreigners, black, whites, browns and whatever colors people are referred to.

    The American Indians are the true people of this land and collectively we (the foreigners) have pushed them out of our daily lives, so who took over who...

    This country is founded by foreigners and that will always be the case.

    So have faith in the constitution and law of the land. Nobody is going to take over anything. Yes minorities will get a greater say in politics and economics as they grow in numbers but the principals of the country will not change.

    Oh by the way I am from INDIA, so I am stating all this as a foreigner working in US. Counter to your argument of BLACKS being everywhere, how many Indians (from India) are in NBA, in athletics, in music almost minimum to none.

    But you will see a lot of us in IT, Doctors, Engineers etc...

    so each ethnic group is capable of different achievements so don't worry too much about blacks taking over the Identity of America, if anything at all these are the people that are improving the identify of this country.

    USA stands for FREEDOM, what greater freedom then freedom of expression and equal opportunity.

    Be proud of this country, be it black, white or anything in between.



  16. Blacks do not run America. They live in america and are a part of america. I do not see the disparity you speak of. I am sick of hearing about racism and civil rights as an excuse to allow people to get away with crimes. I am sick of the double standards that are now in place. I am sure that will change. Obama, win or lose, has ended the civil rights era.

  17. This is a joke, right? As a white man, I'm not all threatened by blacks moving up in our society.  In fact, I appreciate the personal initiative the people you mentioned are showing.  I am, however, against someone being advanced JUST because of their race.  If Obama would make a good president, that should be obvious without looking at his skin color.

  18. why do you consider people a minority just because of the color of thier skin? grow up dude.

  19. No, America is the land of opportunity and these people are getting their chance.

  20. *blinks* huh? There are so many things silly about your rant I hardly know where to start.

    1. Yes, obsessing over which public figures are black is racist.

    2. Black is not an ideology, it's a skin colour, so the idea of them "taking over" anything is beyond ludicrous.

    3. In virtually every area of social standing one cites: employment, pay, education, etc... blacks score much lower than whites, in fact a huge percentage of the black male population is in jail for God's sake. Does that mean blacks are taking over our jails?

    4. Gee, virtually all of the faces I see on the TV, movies, in Congress, etc are white. Maybe you subscribed to the wrong cable channel package by mistake?

    I'm a white male and I find white males whining about their lot in life really annoying. Move to rural Idaho if black faces bother you so  much. :)

  21. Thank you sir I agree with you!!!  Think about it man.  A white guy kills a white guy = just another day.  Black guy kills a white guy = just another day.  White guy kills a black guy = HOLY **** from the black community.  If blacks want to get over the whole slavery thing than drop it and forget about it, don't keep fueling the ******* fire!!!

  22. Has the Grand WIzard approved this Question for release?

    Might go back and check with him.

    How absolutely ridicules. My folks came here when it was only native Americans and a few 'white guys'. Since then this country has been opened to every color, nation and ethnic group to share in the prosperity of a free nation, earning as much as they want or as little as they want.

    But your question was about representation wasn't it.

    Well, do you feel embarrased to be represented by a Black American, a Native American, an Asian American?

    I may not support O-Bama, but it has nothing to do with his skin color. It's his political views that I am in disagreement with. Do I disagree with a Black Miss America? Why should I, she is American and she is quite a lovely young lady. Nothing to disagree with there.

    Ya want more 'white guys' in the NBA or the NFL? Get the fat white kids off the stinking computer and back out on the playing fields. Give them an incentive to excel. They have turned lazy and flabby because they have no incentive. They have everything given to them and they whine if the crust is too tough on their sandwich.

    The people you are questioning have EARNED their positions. Given them the credit and respect they deserve.

  23. Amen

  24. did it ever accure to you that they won the majority of the contests for those positions you just described? Really why should things like that bother me? If you are better at the job then go out there and prove it, beat somebody for the position of president, news anchor or Olympic sprinter.

  25. In my opinion its the determination and drive from within. People want to be successful. Isn't that the way to win this game of life?  Why should the color of their skin matter?!!!

  26. What you fail to realize is that this isn't a majority white country anymore.  Minorities are taking over!  That's reality.

  27. Hey, most African Americans can trace their ancestry in America a lot further back than I can.  Their bloodlines have been in this country a lot longer than many whites.   My family's only been here about 100 years.   Why should I have more influence?

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