
As a women do you rather be a ?

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......housewife or a working mom.




  1. Working Mom.  

  2. A housewife is a working mum. Haven't you heard that being a mum is one of the hardest  jobs.

  3. I would like to work after maternaty leave but work part time for the first 1-3 years.   At that time, put my baby in daycare/pre school learning program full time so that I could go back to work full time.

  4. working mom..usually house wife end of fat and unattractive and hubby ends up looking at the young girl at the office..Just kidding ...Working Mom

  5. working mom!

  6. working mom

  7. Housewife and a working mom. There is no way I can decide between the two. I am a working mom and when I am home I am a housewife.

  8. i'd love to stay home but financially its not an option

  9. a house wife can be a good working mom.

  10. House wife.

  11. working woman

  12. Working mom.  I think it sets a really good example for your children.  It teaches boys that women can be powerful, successful and smart.  It teaches girls that they can take care of themselves and independent.  

  13. hrm.. being at home is always nice :)

    But i like the extra cash!

  14. A housewife IS a working mom!  

  15. a house wife that like to work BAM!

  16. It is soooo important to stay home with your small kids!After there 5 or so then its a choice but when there baby's so much can happen when the mother is away.Never trust anyone.

  17. A working girl.

  18. I like the idea of staying home and taking care of my kids, bcuz I believe no one can take care of my kids better then i can. but then again I get bored really fast, so what am i gonna do when they go to school? I will kill myself with boredom, So I think i will like to be a working mom. I would work part time that way i still get to be with my kids but still have something else to do... like work.

  19. being a house wife  is also a working u have to be specific as to a working mom.

  20. I am a partime-working mom. This works great for me. A little of both worlds. I started getting depressed being a housemom so about 4 years ago, I got a part-time flexible hour kind of job. I get to get out in the public and earn some money but also have lots of time to spend with my kids. Works out great for me! Also, a want to agree with the above that a housewife definately is a working mom they just don't get paid so have respect for that, it is not an easy way!

  21. housewife, but we can afford it. i know some arent that fortunate. i do enjoy working but i have a 18 month old so i like to be home as much as possible. plus, it is so hard to keep my home clean, if i didnt stay home and clean, we would really be in a mess!  

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