
As an American, are you willing to give away your FREEDOM??

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As more and more Americans are looking for the government to bail them out of their mortgages, provide universal health care, welfare for life, pay for their education without repaying it, etc, do they realize that when you expect the government to take care of you, you are also forfeiting certain freedoms. So I ask, are you willing to give up some rights so you dont have to be responsible for your decisions? Or do you believe in taking care of your own and the government staying out of your life?




  1. your not backing up your statements here, saying that it is a pretty big one. And why would you say that you want the goverment out of your bedroom? you naughty girl....

  2. freedom? rights? what freedom? our government would be able to bail us out of stuff and help us if they werent so caught up in themselves.. we are not free... all of you are brainwashed to think we are.. i have been to other countries were they are more free than us. the us government is one of the worst ones ever. and this is coming from an american... canada has free health care and virtually no crime, japan goes to school 6 days a week, but hey they are more free than us.. take what you think is freedom and stick it where the sun dont shine...

  3. No. I pay my mortgage, I have healthcare and I didn't have student loans. I don't want nationalized health care because every country that does have it, has terrible doctors and treatment. By way of example, Canada and England have nationalized care and some of their citizens come HERE for treatment because their system sucks! If people can afford their own healthcare but don't have it: shame on them for being irresponsible and cheap. People who don't have it because they can't afford it: shame on them for not taking advantage of our education system to get a better job with benefits. I think it is all about accountability. If people can't pay their mortgages because of unexpected circumstances, that is truly unfortunate and their are funds for that. But if they can't afford their house because they are living above their means, that is their own fault. It is all about accountability and making wise decisions. We live in the greatest country in the world and we should be able to take care of ourselves and not expect someone else to. I don't care if someone is monitoring my phone lines looking for terrorists because I have nothing to hide. And I don't mind standing in line a little longer at the airport. If it keeps me safe, I am all for it. Aside from that, I do not want my government to take care of me. That is my husbands job.

  4. As long as the U.S does not have any plans of taking over CANADA...sure...

  5. day by day, representative by representative , law passed by law passed we are giving up our rights.  what does "willing" have to do with anything?

  6. Thank you for saying it. I dont need the gubment to support me.

  7. You are essentially asking, 'are you a democrat or republican?'

    Based upon your question, you are a republican.

  8. You sound like a Libertarian. Stay strong. I will give up no freedoms.

  9. I wasn't using it anyway.

    I kid.


  10. People dont understand that when the government issues you a check, or pays for your healthcare, THEY are in control of what your choices are. Its not the governments job to take care of you, thats yours,if you dont want that responsibility, go to canada.  And to pay for all this, welfare, universal healthcare (if it happens), we, meaning the middle class, get taxed more, aint nothing free. I suggest you all read the constitiution to find out what the governments role really is, and the Bill of Rights to find out what you are entitled to from the government. i am tired of this nannystate mentality. only those who are incapable of supporting themselves want this, people like me who can, dont. So no, I will fight to keep my freedom and freedom isnt free, it must always be paid for.

  11. I agree, well said

  12. Universal healthcare is not about "letting the government take care of you." Do you know some of the wealthiest people could benefit from universal healthcare? People get denied for vital surgeries for so many reasons beyond having S****y health insurance. You can get denied for chemotherapy for a reason as stupid as having a yeast infection in the past.

  13. no. i really like freedome

  14. What about this instead. It has been said U.N. not effective. Are Americans willing to give up The Super Bowl, All Sports Events, Fast Food Places, Starbucks  to supply U.N. with money to become effective and so reduce terrorism. Reason if Americans show they have heard specific people they remove the argument these people have not been heard. Palestinians in word.    Citizens could look to themselves to even stop global warming by same measure. Have U.N. install what required and so end the threat. Solar Arrays,Solar Powered cars,trains.

  15. what sort of freedoms are we giving up by having univeral healthcare?

  16. The government only screws things up a little more than I would, so they need to leave me to my own. They don't do my work, they don't pay my bills, and they sure as he ll did not raise my kids.

  17. freedom, what freedom, USA want to make you believer you have freedom but I no other wise. Try suing someone important in politics, you are never going to win, that is not freedom

  18. Very few are looking for the help you describe.  Why put it like it is the normal thing going on.  It's not.  There are a lot of people on government assistance and some are just lazy or druggies.  Others really need the help.  You sound like a rich conservative to me, that thinks government aid is destroying our freedoms, when in fact it is pissing you off to pay taxes for it.  Get a grip, I don't want my taxes going to corporations or Iraq either.  By the way, if you were ab out to lose everything and someone offered to bail you out, you would refuse it?  Yeah, right.

  19. If we as Americans look to to goverment to do all of the things that your talking about, then we are not a free people. Im not willing to give up anything for this goverment. I pay my taxes like everyone else and i dont need the goverment in my face. They are chipping away certain freedoms from us. Yes i believe in taking care of my own. Do you reailly want a third world way of living? I dont!!!

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