
As an American do you feel either of the two Presidential candidates are worth voting for?

by Guest45185  |  earlier

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From what I have read about these two charlatans, both of them are in Israel's front pocket, and we can expect more war and propaganda indefinitely into the future. Be ready for high taxes too, because God knows the Israelis aren't going to pay us to do their dirty work.




  1. The fact that you spend your time talking about Israel as though we're in their service is apalling.  Israel and the U.S. are allied, but the amount of support the U.S. provides them has gone steadily down over a long period, something which I am actually unhappy about.  You want to talk about war and propaganda happening forever, yet you provide no basis for either.  Sure, McCain plans to continue the war effort, Obama actually plans otherwise.  The options aren't perfect, but try to make sense when you speak about them.

  2. people i believe are better suited for president than Obama or McCain

    1. Mr. T

    2. Guy that sleeps on the couch in the movie "Half Baked"

    3.  Shaggy from s****. Doo

    4.  Homer Simpson

    5. OJ Simpson

    6. Pikachu from pokemon

    7. Al Bundy

    8. Marcus Fenix

    9. Hollywood Hogan

    10. and finally...Candidate Ralph Nader.......

    oh what people forgot that Nader always comes out to campaing towards the end?? people people.... Nader will return.... just like locust

  3. Unlike popular belief, I think we have 2 (maybe more) high quality candidates. Barack Obama believes we can change the way Washington works and step into the 21st century.He is the most inspirational candidate since the great John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And John McCain is a true American hero who spent 5 years as a POW. Go Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Neither of the two Presumptive Candidates are acceptable as far as I'm concerned.

  5. Obama 08!! let's go change the world

  6. NO!  They are both worth about a bucket of llama spit.  They will both sell all of us down the river without batting an eye.  I am voting for Charles Baldwin of the Libertarian party.  At least he wants illegals out of here, drilling for oil, strengthening the dollar, and defending our borders.

    Steven Wright is the guy on the couch, and yes he would be much better.

  7. Vote for NOTA; none of the above.

  8. no thank you - I'll take Bill back if I have a choice....better yet - President Regan would actually be the better one.

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